Barrus Dialogue/Hall of Heroes

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If the player loads the Hall of Heroes from the mission interface, or from the Haven Garrison before receiving certification associated with their current rank:

Well met, PLAYERNAME. I'm Lieutenant Barrus, Warden of the Hall of Heroes.

You are here because Spiral HQ has marked you as having potential to become a Vanguard of the Spiral Knights. The Hall of heroes is now at your disposal. As you move up in rank, you will receive new missions to visit and have access to more recipes from the veteran knights in this hall.
  • I was told I am to receive Star Certification here?
Yes, in order to access deeper stratums of the Clockworks you must first receive Star Certification. This entails speaking to me when you have equipped armor, a helmet, a shield and at least one weapon of a specific star level or greater.
  • Roger.

If the player is not adequately equipped:

I'm sorry PLAYERNAME, but you currently do not meet the necessary requirements. Please speak to me again when you are currently equipped with an X star or greater armor, helmet, shield and weapon.
  • End conversation.

If the player is adequately equipped:

Congratulations PLAYERNAME, you meet the necessary requirements and have received your X Star Certification. Take the elevator behind me in order to complete your mission.
  • End conversation.

If spoken to again:

Please take the elevator behind me in order to complete your mission.
  • End conversation.

If the player has already received certification associated with their current rank:

Welcome back to the Hall of Heroes, PLAYERNAME. Please speak to the heroic knights you see before you to gain access to their weapons and gear.
  • Thanks Lieutenant, I will.
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