Nature Sprite Dialogue/Charred Court

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Sprite are not one of the lost. You must be strong to make it to this court. Please, you must help me!
  • Who would I be helping?
I am a sprite, a force of nature summoned to this realm to extinguish the unnatural fire that is consuming it. But Vanaduke discovered and imprisoned us. I managed to escape, but the other sprites remain in his custody.

Now none may proceed beyond the court as columns of shadow fire block all exits. Shadow fire can only be extinguished with the water that flows from these spirit wells. The water is the purest found in all of nature, flowing directly from the springs within the realm of the Spirit Mother herself.
  • Those wells look dry...
Without the power of the rest of the sprites, water will never flow through this realm. It requires a focus link with the Spirit Mother to bring even the smallest drops of water into such an oppressive world. The master of this realm has seen to it that the flames surrounding him will always burn.
  • I will free the sprites!
Then you are brave as well traveler. You can find my kinsfolk throughout the whole of this court. Be very careful though, for Vanaduke's terrible minions are guarding them. Many patrol the main drag, so watch your back as you move about.

Once you find a sprite, carry them back to the sacred circle you see before you. They are no doubt weakened from Vanaduke's curse and will require rejuvenation. When six others are reunited we will form a focus link with the Spirit Mother and bring water to the wells.
  • Free 6 Lost Sprites? I can do that! (opens gate)
  • I'll return soon (gate remains closed, ends conversation)
May the Spirit Mother guide you.
  • End conversation
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