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This is the official guild page of Gaming Knights.
| name = Gaming Knights
| motto = Home to SK nerds all around Cradle.
| founder = [http://wiki.spiralknights.com/User:GamerN64 Gamer-Troopa]
| officers =
*Cool-Night (2nd Head Officer)
*Jonbottron (Head Officer)
| pop = 40
= Guild Summary =
Gaming Knights is a humble and laid-back guild made for guild-less players and friends of SK. We don't have main objectives, we just hang out, share our knowledge and opinions with each other, while having fun at the same time. Besides, we won't tolerate bad behavior or misconducts in Gaming Knights, you know. Also, we're not a competitive guild; we're not into playing Lockdown or Blast Network matches. XP
But the main thing about our guild is learning moral values, info sharing and having fun. It doesn't matter if we're a rich or a poor guild; our guildies is what it matters most.
= How the guild was created =
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  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">Before its creation</div>
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Before Gaming Knights was created, I, Gamer-Troopa, was once a guild member of Flame Guild. At that time, I've made some friends from the guild, including Jonbottron and Kalmican, who were guild masters of the guild. During that time, I figured I'd take some of my friends in as guildies of my own guild. Once I had enough crowns and CE, I decided to leave my previous guild, and create my own guild called <strong>"Gaming Knights"</strong>.</div></div></div>
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  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">First days after creation</div>
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A few days after the creation of Gaming Knights, Jonbottron left his own in favor for my guild, hoping to meet his expections of my guild. I then assigned him the role of the guild officer, making him the first officer of the guild. At that time, there's only the two of us (myself and Jonbottron), so I assigned him a task to be on a lookout for guild-less players, and recruit them into the guild.</div></div></div>
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  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">A lookout for a valuable member</div>
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Few weeks after its creation, Jonbottron asked me if I've seen a guild member in Flame Guild. He mentioned that he was a valuable member, so he asked me to be on a lookout for that specfic player. If anyone of you reading this guild page have seen a member from Flame Guild, please tell me in the discussion page.</div></div></div>
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  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">The NEW guild hall update</div>
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Ever since the new guild hall update has arrived in 15th November of 2012, everybody were excited and went for the new areas. But as for our guild, our guildies are inactive, so we have to encourage them to be more active to support our guild hall's weekly upkeeps.</div></div></div>
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  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">Until this day...</div>
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The guild remains standing, despite the fact some members left due to dissatisfaction, it's a infamous guild, and there's only a few members in the guild. But still, Gaming Knights is still open for recruiting, so feel free to join in.</div></div></div>
= How to join Gaming Knights; the requirements =
If you want to join our humble guild, you may feel free to do so. If you want to apply for signing up in our guild, be sure to look for me in-game and tell me that you want to join our guild. If you do, I'll ask you a few questions and do a run or two for us to get to know each other better. Then, I'll decide whether or not to include you into the guild.
But there are a few specific requirements:
- You must be active at most times (you can get kicked from being inactive without notice).
- You must be friendly and kind to our mates.
- You must have Tier 3 clearance. (We need pros here; there's weekly upkeeps to pay)
- You must be willing to support and contribute your wealth for our guild.
= Guild Ranking system =
Like many guilds, our guild has a ranking system for you to follow. Here's the rundown of each guild ranks...
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  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">The Recruits - Just starting out</div>
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- This is where applicants will be assigned to after applying to join Gaming Knights.</div></div></div>
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  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">The Members - Soldiers of The Troop</div>
  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavContent">
- The majority of Gaming Knights, who have shown loyalty and appreciation of supporting the guild.</div></div></div>
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<div class="NavFrame collapsed">
  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">The Veterans - Experts of The Troop</div>
  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavContent">
- The expert knights.</div></div></div>
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  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">The Officers - The Commanding Officers (COs)</div>
  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavContent">
- The guardians of the guild, who helps others and those who are in need.</div></div></div>
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  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavHead">The Guild Master - General of The Troop</div>
  <div style="text-align:left" class="NavContent">
- The creators, founders and the backbones of the guild.
- This position is reserved for me.</div></div></div>
= The many values of the guild =
<strong>(1). Security</strong>
Security is one of the major values for Spiral Knights guardians, including the guild itself. Gaming Knights members will learn to have the sense of security. When traveling with other fellow members in the Clockworks, Gaming Knights members will also learn to risk our lives and put ourselves in the line of dangers and deaths, for your mates' safety.
<strong>(2). Generosity</strong>
Be generous to share your stuffs to your guild mates and your friends (But not too generous, though!).
<strong>(3). Kindness</strong>
Be kind to your fellow guild mates and help their problems out. Play it nice!
<strong>(4). Honesty and Integrity</strong>
Be honest in telling the truth, even with your own actions.
<strong>(5). Humility</strong>
In a competition, be humble in your victories, accept your defeats and move onwards.
= Gaming Knights guild rules =
Like other guilds, we have our own rules guild members must follow, in order to create a friendly environment in the guild. Failure to comply with the rules will result in demotion or being kicked out of the guild, so pay attention. Here are the rules:
<strong>(1). Play nice and have fun in SK!</strong>
The most important rule in any game, <strong>have FUN!</strong> Never ruin/spoil the fun or be rude with your mates.
<strong>(2.1). Don't beg for crowns/CE.</strong>
Don't be a beggar; we encourages beggars to work hard by doing missions/arcade runs to get their wants instead of begging other players to give them some.
<strong>(2.2). If you want to borrow, please return them afterwards.
If you want to borrow stuffs from us, be sure to give a good reason why. If you do, we'll let you borrow our stuffs, as long as you remember to return them afterwards.
<strong>(3). Don't be inactive; be active more often!
If you're inactive for too long, you <strong>WILL</strong> be removed from the guild without notice, provided that you give us the reason for your absence.
= About the guild master =
= The many wise phrases of Gaming Knights =
"It doesn't matter if we're rich or not; but as long as we have the right attitude, personalities and moral values... the guildies themselves is what it matters." <strong>Gamer-Troopa</strong>
"Power in mind is always stronger than our numbers itself." <strong>Gamer-Troopa, Reglas</strong>
"If you made a mistake, it's okay; everybody makes mistakes. Besides, there's no such thing as <strong>Strict Perfections</strong>." <strong>Gamer-Troopa</strong>
"A good Knight doesn't need defenses; only skills." <strong>Gamer-Troopa, Lechery</strong>
"Reputation is not important to Knights but loyalty." <strong>Cool-Night</strong>
"Knights doesn't fight for money; but for loyalty and peace of their countries." <strong>Cool-Night</strong>

Latest revision as of 09:12, 10 February 2015

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