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{{showhide|Lemon-Neko's Tournament ("The Nightmare Party Run Tournament" - Lemon-Neko) |content=
*'''Hosting:''' Lemon-Neko
*'''Sign-Up Time:''' 7:00 A.M. Tuesday, December 18th, 2012 (USA)
*'''End Time:''' ---
*'''Where:''' Starting point is to be decided by the referee of the party on the day of their runs.
It's time for the third Lemon-Neko's guild wide tournament. Any guild member of Resistance can sign up and be pitted against one another in the clockworks or missions to see who is the strongest and most cunning in the Resistance.
Read below to find more information!
'''''NOTE: Do keep in mind, that you will be using your own energy to venture down into the clockworks or missions, any reviving that you do will be at your own cost. You will not be reimbursed for the energy that you used.'''''
'''The Rules:'''
*Each party will have one Referee. The Referee's responsibility will be to enforce the rules, watch over the party and even be disruptive by trying to kill the participants.
*The run will be held in Tier 3, starting where ever the referee decides to hold their run. All tiers are welcome to sign up, but do keep in mind this is going to challenge even the best tier 3 players.
*Each participant will have a chance to win 300 CE each in the Preliminary Rounds. Those who survive the Preliminary Rounds will then have a chance to win of 1700 CE in our Final Round.
*All participants will start with a potential 300 CE prize in the Preliminary Rounds.
*For each death you take you lose 100 CE from your 300 CE prize.  When your prize CE reaches 0 CE  you will be disqualified from the Tournament and will be awarded an honorary Ecto Drop as a consolation prize. 
*Everyone must do their share of work, if the referee catches a party member hiding in a corner or empty room they will lose 100 CE from their 300 CE prize. 
*Players disqualified in the party may remain in the party or return to Haven. If the disqualified member remains, they can thwart the other contestants chance to claim their prize. It's okay, be a sore loser, take it out on the others!
*Tie Breaker: There will be those who succeed with some of their CE prize intact. In the event there is a tie we will use a Sudden Death Trivia Question Session to decide who advances.  Each tie breaker participant will be given Trivia Questions until they're answered wrong and only one remains. The victor will then move to the Final Round. '''*NOTE: Those in a tie breaker will still be awarded their CE prizes.* '''
*If you leave in the middle of a run, you will be automatically disqualified and will not receive any prize.
*The  winners from each party of the Preliminary Rounds will then move on to the Final Round.
*Breaking any of the rules will result in a 100 CE deduction from the rule breaker's prize.
*All members of the party must be alive before advancing to the next floor.
*All slayable monsters must be slain.
*All materials capable of being picked up must be picked up.
*All crowns and heat must be claimed.
*Energy gates for treasure spots and danger rooms are exempt from this rule, but if they are opened the party must face whatever challenges are to arise.
'''NEW RULES:'''
With the introduction of the new Guildhalls, in this Tournament, we will be implementing a Participation Fee of 5000 crowns to raise funds for the Guildhall Treasury. '''This fee is to be paid to the contestant's referee before the referee starts their run.'''
Also with this tournament we will be using a Sign-Up Sheet. In the past we have had several guildmates sign up for this tournament only to have been replaced with another guildmate. To avoid confusion, the Sign-Up Sheet will hold a list of names of guildmates who are interested in participating in the tournament. Parties will be made from this list of names in the order they signed up in.
For example:
1: contestant-a
2: contestant-b
3: contestant-c
4: contestant-d
5: contestant-e
6: contestant-f
7: contestant-g
8: contestant-h
9: contestant-i
things will look like this:
should contestant-b not arrive for the tournament run things will look like this:
''' Final Round Rules:'''
*Same rules will be used in the Final Round. This time instead of 300 CE, it will be a potential prize of 500 CE. 
*There will be a final reward of 1200 CE given to the participant with the highest remaining CE prize above 0.
*In case of a Tie, the prize of the 1200 CE prize will then be split amongst the participants (so if you want the whole thing, take out the others)
* [http://z13.invisionfree.com/SK_Resistance/index.php?showtopic=44 ******* FINALS RECORDED ******* CLICK HERE]
{{showhide|Group One|content=
* Referee - Zlushy
{{showhide|Group Two|content=
* Referee - Paintool
{{showhide|Group Three|content=
* Referee -
* Referee - Headbash
To watch the finals of our tournament click here and scroll to the bottom for links:
[http://z13.invisionfree.com/SK_Resistance/index.php?showtopic=44 GUILD WEBSITE]

Revision as of 04:33, 18 December 2012

The Fun Page

Welcome to the Resistance's Fun Page! This page will record all our future "fun activities". Our activities will be announced in guild chat, or by word of mouth! Check this page out once in a while for fun, new, weird, wacky stuff we come up with!

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