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== Snarabolax ==
== Snarabolax ==
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Revision as of 00:17, 23 November 2013

Snarabolax Recruitment

  • RECRUIT- To become a Recruit,you must have 4★ -5★ gear,active,help players and play with them!
  • MEMBER- Members're Guild Mates that're more active than Recruits,donating 500 Crowns daily.They must also play missions with Guild Mates.
  • VETERAN- You can become a Veteran by being much active,donating 500 Crowns daily,be a fair player,not scamming,moving Guild Hall Expansions,etc.
  • OFFICERS- To access the Officer rank,you must not forget the donating,be much active,play Dangerous mission with mates and be helpful a lot!
  • GUILD MASTERS- Guild Mates that're doing the best for Snarabolax,daily donating 1,000 Crowns,complete at least 5 missions a day,being online!
  • DEMOTE- You're not able to demote players without asking any Guild Master.You're getting demoted by forgetting to donate,don't being active,etc.
  • KICK- Players that get 3 warnings will be kicked.That'll cause removing Expansions,destroying hall,kicking players,etc.(GM MUST TELL TO KICK,ETC.)
  • Asking for a Rank=Staying on the rank you're currently.Snarabolax doesn't need Guild Mates like that,if you ask again=KICK,read above.

Snarabolax Events

  • EVENT- Events're mostly coming daily.Special Events're maybe longer than one day.That's why don't always ask why there's not a new Event.
  • EVENT THEMES- Giving Events = Give a most Crowns! Death Counter Events = Complete a mission,try to survive! Battle Events = Win the Guild fights! Special Events = ALWAYS DIFFRENT.
  • EVENT RESULTS- Giving Events = Guild Record. Death Counter Events = Walking with player in a mission. Battle Events = GM of the both Guilds is walking,looking. SPECIAL EVENTS= DIFFRENT
  • EVENT AWARDING- Awarding is every Sunday in a Week.Classic Rewards: (Promote),Shadow Lair run,SECRET PRIZE.Asking for the Secret Prize = Not getting it.


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