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== Zekiel-II ==
A reserved but powerful warrior, Zekiel is the sole surviving member of the little known ''Epsilon Company'' (the very first recon team to hit Cradle). After losing his team and being severely wounded by a seemingly invincible beast now known as a Snarbolax, Zekiel was found and nursed back to health by Basil who then revealed to him the Snarbolax's only weakness - sonic emissions. Using what was left of his fallen comrades' gear, Zekiel forged and placed several large bells throughout the Gloomy Woods that, when struck, effectively render the beast defenseless. Now, having slayed the Snarbolax and avenged the deaths of his fellow soldiers, Zekiel has made it his mission to hunt down the evils dwelling within the depths of the Clockworks and give them a taste of the pain he has endured.
''Fighting Style''__________________________________________________________________________
An "up close and personal" type, Zekiel prefers using bladed weapons to bring an end to his foes. And while his weapon of choice is the Leviathan blade, he is very proficient with any sword and can usually be found sporting several at a time.
An equally effective marksman, Zekiel also carries a collection of fire-arms. And while it lacks the satisfaction that comes with cutting a monster to pieces, he has been known to gun down scores of enemies in mere seconds.
== Bulby :D ==
Taking a hard landing at his arrival on Cradle, Bulby is a somewhat "special" knight and frequently displays his interesting personality on and off the battle field. His temperament has been seen ranging anywhere from a lucid and fearless warrior that may be representative of his former self, to being nearly detached from all that is logical. Despite his mental stability though, Bulby is extremely friendly and, at the very least, entertaining to be around. There is however, no record in the Spiral Knight files regarding a knight by the name of "Bulby".
''Fighting Style''__________________________________________________________________________
Preferring to fight from a distance, Bulby wields a wide variety of bombs. He rarely uses a sword unless in one of his more rational moments and is more likely to pack a gun as his sidearm.
Despite what some would think however, Bulby is a surprisingly effective bomber and it would seem that this is the one area of his mind that wasn't damaged during his crash-landing. And while he has no knowledge of their origin there are literally dozens of kill insignias on his helmet and shoulder pads.
== Snapshots (Coming Soon!) ==

Latest revision as of 15:56, 2 September 2011

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