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Skelly Warriors
File:GuildLogo-Skelly Warriors.png

The Undead Army

Guild Founder: Hybridprototype
Approx. Population: 30
Guild Master(s):
  • Fcausey
  • Bcausey
  • Ayelzr
Guild Officer(s):
  • Jerhue
  • Sinslash
  • Robotrice


Our goal is to be good and have fun, wether in the dark depths of the Clockworks, or the competitive field of Krogmo's Colisseum with the discipline to enjoy it regardless of victory or ruin. We believe the weak can become strong. So if we recruit those beginning to enter T2, then we will aid them to learn the true way to run Clockworks.

How to Join

Just ask. However you will not be considered a Member until you have passed the Skelly Test, this is a requirement for all Skelly Warrior Recruits whom have recently joined.

Skelly Test

The Skelly Test is simple, it consist of two phases: Run a Graveyard and Candlestick. However there are requirements.

  • On Graveyard: Do a run with an experienced Officer or a Veteran. This is a test of skill, and mostly to see where you are as a Spiral Knight. It is to observe your tactics and strategies in a Clockwork run. It is also a way to see wether or not you are a good party player, but the objective is to measure your skill as a player.
  • On Candlestick: Do a full party run, it is to measure your skill with a group. A test of coordination and communication. As Candlestick is infamously known for its accursed undead Garfields, it is a test of teamwork. Who will light the candles and who will fight off the kats after the one lighting the candles? An experienced Officer or Veteran must be in this party.
  • This run must be under the Recruits' Tier
  • This Test is also a test of attitude.
  • Officer/Veteran's Duty: It is the job of the Veteran or Officer in this run to send a full report about each individual Recruit to the Guild Masters, it must be a paragraph for each one. Sending it via SK mail is recommended.

Guild Rules

  • No Begging (Neither to us, or others. This is a one-hit wonder; will result immediate kick)
  • Have a positive attitude (Think about it, what will others think of you when complaining too much about others and yourself?)
  • Have fun (This is a game people, we are older than that. Don't get angry if you lost a game of Lockdown. )
  • No swindling or deception (Practically, scams)
  • No trolling.
  • No Flamewars. (Oh c'mon, this isn't rocket science!)

Guild List

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