Exalt (Guild)/Rules And Regulations

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| rulesAndRegulations =

  1. Be nice to, and respectful of, your fellow Guildies as well as other Spiral Knights.
      Feel free to use the guild chat to present yourself when you join and for any topic that you would like to talk about
  2. Keep it PG
      Bear in mind that there are children in the guild.
  3. Have some decorum.
      Do not do anything that can bring the Exalt name down or get the guild in trouble. Act maturely and don't send random invites to people.
    Just so you know...
      Members who haven't been online for a while might get removed if the guild has no room for new members, starting with lower ranking inactive players and moving up. All previous members are welcome to contact the guild to have their membership re-instated. Of course, this is if the player is in good general standing with current guild members. So if you do leave, don't drama bomb, because that will burn the bridge, and you won't be able to get back. In case you are too weak to join some mission but you got invited, you must warn the party leader that you are under equipped so he can give you the green light to join. For the remaining rules use rational thinking to imagine what they could be.
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