Talk:Needle Shot

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Revision as of 05:38, 5 May 2011 by CrashFu (Talk | contribs)

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Curious thing to note: Gremlin healers are slightly resistant to the charge attack, for some reason. Other gremlins don't seem to be, and they don't show resistance to the normal attack either. Of course, in general the charge attack only seems to do a FEW more points of damage than the regular shots (per bullet. naturally the fact that you're firing a lot more at a time means a good deal more overall) unlike the pepperbox line where the charge attack shots each do nearly double the normal damage. Also, I'm starting to notice that even though the charged shots do NOT pull enemies the way the autogun and pepperbox line do, what the needle shot's charged attack DOES do is interrupt and knock-up enemies. It's kind of funny watching a gremlin basically flip around in the air ten times in quick succession. --CrashFu 05:38, 5 May 2011 (UTC)

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