
From SpiralKnights

Revision as of 01:11, 1 August 2011 by Equinox (Talk | contribs)

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Template documentation

This template creates a more compact cell in an SKWindow without the rounded edges.


This template is intended to be used in the "body" parameter of the SKWindow template.



1 = The content of this cell.
2 = The horizontal alignment of the contents of this cell. Accepted values are the same as CSS text-align values.
3 = The vertical alignment of the contents of this cell. Accepted values are the same as CSS vertical-align values.
4 = How many columns of this table this cell will take up.
5 = How many rows of this table this cell will take up.
6 = The width of this cell.
7 = The height of this cell.
background = If you want a background other than light blue.
color = if you want a font color other than black. unsortable = if you want the column to be unsortable, use "yes"

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