Ludicrous (Guild)

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Ludicrous Coat of Arms.png

We are Ludicrous!! Go Crazy!!

Founders: Jsao, Phox, & Xjam
Approximate Population: 20+
Guild Masters

<font= size=5>AYE YO!</font>

Welcome to Ludicrous!! We're social, we help people, we think we're cool, and we think you're kinda cool too.


We are a group of exceptionally sexy knights who are fun, chill, and helpful. We're like a pack of wolves, we like doing things together. We Lockdown together, do Danger Missions together, kill Vanaduke together, we even go to the washroom together. Are you too pro for this game? Tired of not dying? Well at Ludicrous you'll be finding yourself engrossed in guild chat you won't even know what's happening.

Say Whut?

In this guild you must be prepared for what you're not prepared for. We are up for any challenge weather it's Proto Running Bosses like a boss, Vana runs with no shield, trying to defeat The Royal Jelly Palace using piercing weapons, we even try to kill each other sometimes. If that's not what you're into, that's cool too. Whatever makes you happy!

Don't get freaked out thinking you can't handle the truth. We do normal everyday Guild things like chill with you doing your missions and prestige, killing Vana or and of the Bosses, helping you heat gear, dying in Shadow Lairs, and helping you out trying to impress the single ladies.

We're also a bunch of creepers who enjoy listening to each others voices, that's why we have vent and steam chat. We won't force you to get it...i guess. We don't really care much about cussing as long as it's not offensive and doesn't make anyone rage quit or cry.


The Rules

 Our Guild rules are simple and cuteBe matureBe activeHave fun

Why Ludicrous?

  • Our milkshakes brings all the girls to the yard
  • We're a bunch of chill people
  • We're mostly Tier 3 Players
  • We look good
  • We help and stuff
  • We are new and we will grow on you
  • We distribute cookies at a daily basis
  • We have free dental plan *Bonus*


  • You must be at least Tier 2 or higher to join
  • You must be older than 14 or the pedos will climb in yo windows
  • You must be sexy
  • You must know it


Wanna join? Either fill this out and post it on our "thread" and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

In-Game Name?What Tier are you in?How often do you play?Do you prefer Lockdown, Clockworks or Both?Are you 14 or older?Do you want a cookie?

Or if you can't wait, send a private message or an in game mail to any of the Officers or Guild Masters where you will be awkwardly checked out.



 .//: Guild Masters ://.
 There are only three and it will probably stay like this unless something crazy happens.
 • Jsao is the guy you wanna go to if you're a gamer, he plays TF2, LoL and other mainstream games.
 • Phox is our Yoda. If you need a price check go bug him, if you want Lockdown tips go bug him.
 • Xjam is the meanest out of the 3. Don't mess.
 .//: Officer ://.
 Officers are just Vets who think they are cool enough to convince people to join the Guild.
 To get this rank you will either be sent an offer to take it or contact one of the GMs saying you're interested and up for the job.
 .//: Veteran ://.
 It's all about respect. People who have this title basically means that they are awesome.
 You don't need to solo Shadow Lairs to get this rank, all you gotta do is be willing to help out fellow members
 if they're dead, laggy, and needs assistance. This also means that you gotta have skills.
 .//: Member ://.
 To gain membership, you either sweet talk one of the GMs or show off your skills by doing a Boss run with either an Officer or a GM.
 Tier 2 recruits will have to defeat any of the Bosses including Vana, which ever makes you happy.
 Tier 3 Recruits gets to teach Vanaduke how to dougie.
 .//: Recruit ://.
 Welcome to the Guild. Recruits are basically people who have just joined.
 To get out of this position drag an Officer or a GM and ask for a membership run.

<font= size=5>So are you Ludicrous?</font>

Join and find out


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