Machinists (Guild)

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Guild Founder: Sparkgap
Approx. Population: 50+
Guild Master(s):
  • Pyneapll
  • Tilybb
  • Utmostprovocative
Guild Officer(s):
  • Googola
  • Muffinmuch
  • Kzane
  • Quantsr
  • Sir-Sprunkleton

Still under construction by noobs for cheap labor.

Icon-bomb.png Machinists

We are a very close knit and active Blast Network guild!

We still do everything there is to do in Spiral Knights though. We kill bosses! We kill each other! We drink Payneapll juice . . . >.<

We are all about one thing . . . .FUN!

Icon-sword.pngThe Top Brass

Equipment-Prime Bombhead Mask icon.png Payneappl

Equipment-Frosty Bombhead Mask icon.png Tilybb

Equipment-Lovely Bombhead Mask icon.png Utmostprovocative

Equipment-Spiral Bombhead Mask icon.png Muffinmuch

Equipment-Golden Bombhead Mask icon.png Googola

Equipment-Ruby Bombhead Mask icon.png Quanstr

Equipment-Toxic Bombhead Mask icon.png Kzane

Equipment-Cursed Bombhead Mask icon.png Sir Sprunkleton

Icon-shield.png Guild Etiquette

After meeting the requirements to be accepted, you must know a little about the rules.

  • 1. Do not partake in any activity in-game that might bring our guild name into disrepute. Such activities include scamming, spamming, trolling, bullying, harassing or otherwise irritating other players (sending numerous unsolicited trade-requests counts).

  • 2. We encourage our members to help one-another in game, particularly with teaching new members how to acquire items they might need during game play. Do not expect to receive mats, ce, crowns etc. from other guild members. It is up to each individual member whether or not to give these things. It is considered good etiquette to only ask for what you need in the way of materials (as Officers like Sir Sprunkleton usually carry everything and the kitchen sink).

  • 3. When on a run or PvP, do not repeatedly invite other guild members. One invite is enough. More than this is considered spamming.

  • 4. If you expect to be away from the game for any extended period of time, you must contact a Guild Master or Officer to let them know (otherwise you may be removed from the guild for inactivity).

Our guild storage is home to a number of materials which are to be used for crafting and/or the little prestige supply mission. It is not open for everyone to selfishly pillage! Likewise the mist well is to be used properly and not be emptied on rage crafting.

If you do "steal" from our guild, You will be removed from our midst and live the rest of you days in the gutters of Haven 1254 as social periah.

Other than that please treat other guilds members with respect and fairness.

Recruitment and Ranks

Machinists promotes its members by the sweat of thier brow. This is to make it easier for knights identify who to invite on a specific run.

Icon-helmet.png Requirements to join the Machinists:

  • An active knight
  • Respect and love the beautiful game of BN
  • You must be kewl
  • No Sticky kills (Dont know what that is? Move along citizen!)

Icon-armor.png Ranks

  • Recruit = Anyone lucky enough to make the cut
  • Member = Active for 2 weeks and not turn out to be a deuche
  • Veteran =
  • Officer =

Why try out for the Machinists?

Reasons started below

Machinists Gallery

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