Machinists (Guild)

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Revision as of 00:49, 29 January 2013 by PyneApll (Talk | contribs)

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Guild Founder: Sparkgap
Approx. Population: 50+
Guild Master(s):

Sparkgap, Pyneapll, Tilybb, Utmostprovocative

Guild Officer(s):

Duglet, Muffinmuch, Googola, Quantsr, Kzane, Sir-Sprunkleton

Still under boring-ification by Pyneapll. u__u

Icon-bomb.png Announcements

January 28, 2013

Hey. I'm finally editing things. Check here in the future for important stuff I need to say. ~Pyne

Icon-bomb.png Machinists

We are a close-knit guild that specializes in (but is not limited to) Blast Network. Our goal is to keep the beloved mini-game alive by creating a respectable, friendly, and encouraging environment for all players.

Icon-bomb.png Guild Etiquette

As a member of the guild, you must know and abide by the rules and policies.

  • The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. (And as if this weren't enough, treat everyone with respect and kindness.)
  • Guild Resources: Be sensible about the resources available to you. The guild storage and Mist Well are for everyone's convenience, but do not be a glutton without significant contribution.
  • Guild Hall Upkeep: It is recommended (but not mandated) that each member contributes a minimum of (a measly) 1000 crowns per week for upkeep.
  • BN Etiquette: Avoid using 'sticky bombs" in matches. These are considered unfair exploits.
  • Activity: Members will be removed from the guild upon reaching 1 month of inactivity. If you know you will be away from the game for an extended period of time, notify an officer so that you may be pardoned from removal.

Icon-bomb.png Recruitment and Ranks

We generally have a closed recruitment policy, wherein officers invite based on their own judgment of a player's demeanor and enthusiasm for Blast Network. While we do not recruit upon request, there are exceptions to the policy to be made arbitrarily.

Promotions are also made arbitrarily and do not require the fulfillment of any specific tasks. However, here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Know and abide by the guild rules and policies
  • Play BN (This is a BN guild, after all)
  • Be active
  • Be helpful to your guildmates

Icon-bomb.pngThe Top Brass

Icon-bomb.png Machinists Gallery

Image machinistswin.png

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