Spiral Order

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The Spiral Order

The Spiral Order was the order that the knights of the Skylark were a part of at the time of the crash. There are at least 3.3 million known members of the Order.


Not much is known about the order before the the crash of the Skylark, except that they were a organization who fought against the Morai in Ilsola.

Unlike what some may expect from a knight, the Spiral Order does not use medieval technologies. Guns and Bombs are popular weapons, and Energy Shields are used widely. Other abilities include cloaking and mass shielding. Also included in the Spiral Knights' arsenal are Swords, but unlike simple iron blades, many of these swords have unique Abilities.

The local history begins when the Skylark, a space ship, was attempting exploration of the vast unknown. When their ship was scanning the surface of Cradle, the terrarium core exploded for unknown reasons, causing the ship to crash land on the surface. The large contingent of knights abroad were able to flee the vessel using escape pods. The damage to the Skylark rendered it unusable and the ship proceeded to crash land on Cradle.


Stranded on Cradle, they first made a temporary base in the surface wilderness, now known as the Rescue Camp. Eventually the Spiral Knights found shelter and created a main base of operations at the Stranger home of Haven. The kind Strangers allowed the Spiral Knights to inhabit their humble abode, so long as they did so respectfully.

They soon picked up a large energy reading near the core of the planet, and thought that the energy would be a suitable replacement for their ship's core. They soon found out about the unatural problem with Cradle, as its underground was populated with biomes, containing fragments of new worlds. Using the arcade that the Strangers have to explore the strange world, Commander Oslo recuited four knights as the pioneers of the Clockworks expedition. They soon became to be known as the Alpha Squad. However, communincations were still down, and there was no uplink as there is presently. Instead, they used Recon Modules to record their finding.

Alpha squad soon became missing, and even when they finally fixed the uplink, they were unfindable. They soon became second priority as to find out what happened to them.

During the Knights stay on the mechanical world, the rescue camp, which was used as a rest stop to teach knights the basics and what happened was assaulted by nearby Constructs, killing several. They were led under the Schemer Razwog who was also looking for a mysterious artifact. The power from a nearby abandonded generator now powers the defences to keep knights safe. Razwog was also confronted by a group of knights, and Rhendon(A recon Knight who heads rescue camp operations), and killed, but the artifact wasn't with his body.

They then taught newer knights several lings about the game at haven via missions or NPCs. Some of these missions involved going to find recon artifacts(Shadow of the beasts/Gloaming Wildwoods and the Solverign Slime/Royal Jelly Palace) or learning about the differnent levels.

Haven under Attack!

However, their actions have caught the attention of the Gremlins, the head race who do maitience on the CW and are extremly teritorial. Wanting to get rid of them, Warmaster Seerus(A Crimson order member) headed Project R, know now as the Roarmolous twins. They would use these collosal Gun Puppies to destroy Haven, killing the populas. This would had also killed the strangers, who were hosting the knights. Wanting not to die and to protect the base and the people who let them in, the knights caught wind of the plan and started sabatoging it, before going into the Ironclaw Munitions factory to destroy it head on.

King of Ashes

Open ended journey

With the core still locked, the knights can only hope to keep on using minerals to moniter their effect, and exploring the unknown of the world.

Opperation: Crimson Hammer

Recon Rangers



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