Guardian Enforcers (Guild)

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I have moved your page "Arcade Runners GvG Event" to User:Mariothane/Arcade Runners GvG Event. --Lithium31337 03:05, 1 June 2013 (UTC)

Mariothane and Grand-Cactaur's Weapon Tips and Tricks

Overview of page

As you know some weapons are difficult to use and some have tricks that make them more powerful than would be thought of before. These tricks that make weapons more powerful are called Power Tricks (Yes, that is my name for them) and every weapon has them. This page is for these tips to be posted and if anyone ever sees this, you may comment with any tricks you have learned over the course of the game. I will post some of the stuff I have learned so far


Great type of sword overall. Speed is great and so is the power. Very balanced sword over all and is recommended for any knight.


Skim: This is a trick you can use with any level of brandish. Aiming to the side of a target will make it so the attack doesn't stop there but damages the target and keeps going. This works especially well when your trying to gather minerals as most Brandishes can use this trick to damage the mineral 3 times simultaneously.


This is a weapon which is basically a giant trick. These odd guns rebound off of enemies and walls in random directions making this gun a fun tool to use and easy weapon to fight large groups of enemies with.


KO shot: This is a trick which, in a nutshell, KO's an enemy with 1 charge attack. Charge your charge attack and aim at your enemy but make it so the charge skims to the side. This trick makes not only the charge attack deal damage but also most of the shots that come out of the charge attack making all of the rebounds and the charge attack deal damage at the same time. Gets stronger the higher * level your Alchemer is

Patch Trolling: This is a thing which anyone who has caused a patch to be made in the game has learned: This gun can do anything. It can hit switches from places most people would not think possible. This is not exactly a trick that is useful for battle but is fun to try.

Slathering: This is a trick which most people wouldn't notice since most levels of an alchemer just rebound anyway but at 2* this is something people can notice. When 2 enemies are really close together and you aim a shot in between them the damage of that one shot damages both of them. This trick works for every alchemer and is able to make more damage from every attack you use.

  • Characteristics*

The Alchemer has a couple things which makes it more useful for higher numbers of enemies. Slathering deals damage to enemies in a clump and if you ever use the charge attack in the middle of a group it is amazingly helpful. When you are a knight who runs their gun, just like most, you can do so more effectively with this gun than most. When shots rebound there is no rush. Each shot you fire is around 3-4 potential shots.

Sealed Sword and advances



Autogun and advances

General Tricks

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