Ironheart (Guild)

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Refine your heart to steel.

Guild Founder: Artemetis
Approx. Population: 57
Guild Master(s):

Artemetis, Makoshin, Motheye, Saetorath

Guild Officer(s):

Paratox, Solunaiku, Galleyus, Marsine, Twikat, Mkeness

This Guild page is currently a work in progress, please don't mind the construction!

Active Authorities:

  • Makoshin (Guild Master)
  • Solunaiku (Senior Officer)

The History of Ironheart

Ironheart is a reborn guild with Makoshin leading the rebirth.

The guild was initially created by Artemetis and Motheye in ~2011. At some point, Ironheart melted and recruits left. As for the actual reason, it is unknown.

As of 2013, Makoshin was invited by Saetorath as a friend, and eventually promoted to Guild Master. With the help of the officer Solunaiku, recruits have flooded in and have made Ironheart pumped with life.


Most rules are not laid in stone, or what other metal that you would like to engrave it on.

However, the following rules are generally enforced:

  • Be aware that most guild-related things are logged instantly in the Guild Log.
  • Be respectful and patient with one another.
  • Do not flood the Guild Chat. If you are talking to another person when there is currently a lot of commotion, please privately talk to one another.
  • If you will be gone for an extended period of time, notify the Guild Masters or Officers. Otherwise, you will be asked to explain once you log on.

Failure to follow these rules will result in demotion; or in extreme cases, kicked out or banned permanently.

Requests from the Guild Masters and Officers to the Guild members


  • We are currently expanding the Guild Hall. If you could, please donate to the Treasury. A suggested amount is 1500 Crowns weekly.
  • If you would like to apply for promotion, contact me and we will see/start.
  • If there I am currently not on and have need to speak with me, contact with mail.

Have fun in the Clockworks!

Requests from Guild members to others

None currently.

Members of the Guild

[As of January 2, 2014] In descending order of Authority

Meaning of the Ranks

Seniority is emphasized within the guild.

Recruits are generally our players that were just invited into the guild. Other than that, this rank is generally used as a punishment for breaking the rules.

Members are, well, members that have been accepted into the guild and are the fledglings. They will forge themselves into eventually becoming...

Veterans are players that are recognized to have built a foundation for their growth. The Members will look up to the Veterans as role models and may ask them questions as to how they can refine their knowledge and skill.

Officers are people that are hand-picked by Senior Officers and Guild Masters to join their ranks to recruit and help forge the Guild's standing. Players at this stage are to be taken seriously, but will respect underclassmen if they are mutually respected.

Guild Masters are the players that have nearly finished steeling their heart. They maintain the highest authority within the guild and are willing to help all players, including those outside the guild, to serve as an ambassador of Ironheart.

Requirements to rank up

Guild Masters and Officers will be issuing the promotions. These promotions will be conducted in several ways.

If you would like to apply for promotion, contact a Guild Master or Officer.

There will be exceptions to these requirements.

Interesting Resources and Links

None, for now.

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