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Also known as: Annevdw
Motto: Do not trust everyone you know. Sometimes being alone is better than together. But do not forget, often, united will prevail
Guild:The Anonymous
Rank: Defender Elite
Status: Active

Hello Spiral Knights!

I am a Spiral Knight named Ciardha, who used to be known as Annevdw. I wander this world in search for a energy source to leave the planet. I prefer to work alone, but united you are stronger.

I am a member of the guild The Anonymous and i really enjoy it here. Having friends to help you out is a great feeling, after all. I use to be in different guilds as well: Elegance, and Love Tiramisu.

My history

You can say i am a bit different than the rest, but i don't mind. You see, I say i am a Spiral Knight, but that's not entirely true. I am a created werewolf. I was created so my creator, Rayorth, could have a family again with his daughter. his wife got assasinated by empire knights a month after their daughters birth.

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