Nature Sprites Dialogue/Overgrown Court

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Revision as of 00:05, 30 August 2015 by Novaster (Talk | contribs)

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Nature Sprite (south)
Greetings again, star-borne one.
  • Star-borne?
Nature Sprite (south)
Yes, we nature sprites are the rain, the root, and the soil. But you are not like us. You are like the ones below.
  • Speaking of 'below,' how do I get there now? This place is collapsing!
Nature Sprite (south)
Sadly, even with our link to the Spirit Mother restored, we can only do so much to save this place. Yet, even as one path closes another might open. It is the nature of this shifting world. Good fortune, star-borne.
  • End Conversation

Nature Sprite (west)
Even though you have defeated Vanaduke, it appears as though the curse he brought down upon this kingdom still lingers. It requires all of our power to keep these raging shadow fires in check.
  • End conversation

Nature Sprite (north)
We all sensed the moment you defeated Vanaduke. The entire citadel shook as he fell and for a moment we thought that this realm would be destroyed along with its ruler. You must be careful wandering these halls with the place coming apart like this!
  • End conversation
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