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NPC: Gremlin
Primary Location(s):
  • Variable. See dialogue.

In A New Threat:

  • Camouflage

In Shadowplay:

  • Weak to: ???.
  • Resistant to: ???.
  • None

Herex is an NPC.


Herex is a large gremlin with the demeanor of a Ghostmane Stalker. His otherwise grey outfit is covered in red fabric, with a single somewhat robotic green eye glaring out of a slit in the wraps. He always carries a sword on his hip and two green saw blades orbit his body.


He can hide his location using an ability similar to chromalisk camouflage when out of combat. This behavior is seen in A New Threat, though he is not actually fought in this mission.

When fought in Shadowplay, his cloaking ability is most similar to the technique used by Stalkers. ??? - Pending elaborate strategy. Simply corner him then keep hitting, the orbiting green saw blades do not injure the player. Even the basic attacks of a brandish type of sword will work, though this is slow - something the player might have brought to deal with the rest of the monsters in the mission.


This character is mentioned in Interface-icon-PvE.png Expansion Mission: Operation Crimson Hammer and Interface-icon-PvE.png Dangerous Mission: Compound 42. He was first seen with release 2014-05-21.

Herex, also known as "The Whispering Venom," was a member of the Crimson Order. He owns a gremlin bioweapon facility named "Compound 42," a place visited as part of a Danger Mission of the same name.

A Scenario Room in arcade Compound areas is associated with Herex. Inspecting a gremlin body reveals a message: The others must never know. Silence them. -H

In the 7-3 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: Spark and Roar: Hidden Hideout floor, a module can be found with information about Herex and his more recent relationship with the Crimson Order. Black squares floating around the area, along with Herex's green insignia on the floor, indicate that the Swarm and Herex are involved in something together.

Schemer Razwog and Herex seem to have some connection with each other, indicated by a module found in the 1-4 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: Crossing the Chasm. Other connections these two characters may have are unknown.

Seerus and Herex seem to have a poor relationship, based on dialogue witnessed in Operation Crimson Hammer.

After obtaining The Artifact in the 4-2 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: A New Threat, Herex takes it into the Firestorm Citadel, where players encounter and fight him in the 10-2 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: Shadowplay. Later, in the 10-2 Interface-icon-PvE.png Mission: Dreams and Nightmares, he is seen with a large Swarm-like entity at the entrance to the Core. Herex's true motives and whereabouts are currently unknown.



See Also

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