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Icon images★★★★★
Yoshy-Ryu Complete.png

Short Bio

Yoshy-Ryu is the guild-master of Spriter Zone Knights (Guild) and tends to wear the Magic Hood with various cobalt armors. He is known to be very rich, and on ocassion will make items for new members of his guild who do not have 3 star items (or better). He usually spends most of his time in the Town Square, chatting with people until he feels like going on a run.


Yoshy-Ryu will most likely be in Haven 5 or 10, either making various internet meme references. He can usually be found in the Bizarre or Town Square when he isn't in his guild hall. Yoshy-Ryu enjoys chatting, and is known to strike up a conversation with people he doesn't know. Among his friends, he tends to be more open and jokes more often than with strangers, but is all ways willing to help others.

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