Talk:Ancient Plate Mail

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Revision as of 17:40, 3 January 2012 by Kalaina (Talk | contribs)

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Normal Defense of the Ancient Plate Set

People tend to think the Ancient Plate Set is a bad choice because it only appears to provide a small bonus to normal defense to compensate for its stiff negatives: no piercing/elemental/shadow defense and the speed reductions. However, the normal defense extends well beyond the visible bar (it's actually about one and a half bars long as verified by loadout inspection). By comparison, one piece of Ancient Plate provides as much normal defense as the piercing defense on two pieces of Skolver. In short, what would be the piercing/elemental/shadow defense on another piece of equipment is replaced by an equal amount of additional normal defense here. The speed penalties are somewhat offset by the additional health. As normal damage is widespread even in Tier 3, this makes the Ancient Plate Set worth considering for certain play styles.

The actual amount of normal defense (i.e. one and a half fall defense bars) should probably be added to the main articles on Ancient Plate Mail and Helm, but I'm not entirely certain where to put it. --Kalaina 17:40, 3 January 2012 (UTC)

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