Metal Squad (Guild)

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Metal Squad
File:GuildLogo-Metal Squad.png


Guild Founder: Mentalblock
Approx. Population: 2


Metal Squad is a guild designed for the more experienced, skillful and mature players of Spiral Knights. It is our goal to bring together strong, individual players in order to create a masterful, well-coordinated team.

Though our primary focus is with PvE, we have no arguments against establishing and maintaining a PvP team.


Our rules are really quite standard; don't cheat, don't lie, don't beg, don't cause trouble, keep your promises, etc. Really, as long as you're not a jerk you'll be okay. Start causing trouble though, and you'll soon find yourself without a guild. The purpose of the guild is to help our members enjoy the game, and we have little tolerance for those who prevent us from doing just that.

Also, we do not penalize for time spent offline. You will not be kicked or demoted for not playing but you will, however, be ineligible for giveaways (see the Legendary-Wings section below).


Metal Squad is looking to recruit thoughtful and talented players. We will accept anyone, but prefer members who are at least 3*. If you wish to join, contact any Guild Master or Officer and if you meet the initial requirements you'll be added on as a recruit. Listed below are the roles and responsibilities of each rank in the guild:

★☆☆☆☆ - Recruit
Recruits are members who have just signed on with Metal Squad, but have not yet proven themselves in battle. They are ineligible in participating and guild events and are unable to buy from the Legendary-Wings store. To advance to the member rank, they must team up with either an Officer or a Guild Master for a run (we test on Tier 2). If the person supervising the run thinks favorably of the recruit, then they will advance to member. If not, then the recruit is out of the guild and must try again. When testing recruits, we look for several things; play style, maturity, behavior in chat, and overall skill. Failure in any one of these categories may result in termination from the guild.

★★☆☆☆ - Guild Member
Guild members are those who have passed through the initial trials and have established themselves as trustworthy. At this rank, members are allowed to partake in guild events and are free to purchase from Legendary-Wings.

★★★☆☆ - Guild Veteran
The Veteran rank is reserved for members who are both active participants in the guild, and well-respected by their peers.

★★★★☆ - Guild Officer
Officers are highly respected and trustworthy members with the ability to hire on and test new recruits. Only Veterans are eligible for the Officer rank.

★★★★★ - Guild Master
This rank is reserved for the founder and Legendary-Wings. New Guild Masters will be signed on only when the current ones are incapable of carrying out their duties.


Legendary-Wings is a user with a unique purpose in our guild. To put it shortly, he is the guild's item shop and bank. He does dungeon runs to earn items, crowns and energy, and then sells the items to members for a discount (prices are based around current auction house prices). The money earned by this store is held on to and used to purchase special items such as armors, costume pieces, keys and more. These items (along with any remaining crowns and energy) will go towards paying for special guild events, like raids and giveaways. Members of Metal Squad are free to donate crowns and energy to the Legendary-Wings store, and are encouraged to do so. After all, the more he earns, the more fun stuff we get to do!

To purchase an item from the store, send a personal message to the user Legendary-Wings (spelled just like that) detailing what items you would like and the quantity you would like to purchase. Though it is not required, it is encouraged that you attach your payment to this message (to keep things simple and quick). You will receive your items whether you do this or not, but you will not be allowed to make another purchase until you have payed all outstanding debts. If you see that Legendary-Wings is online, you may also purchase items via item trading.

Please note that the Legendary-Wings account is managed by Mentalblock, and may not always be immediately available. I will try my best to fill requests at least once a day, but keep in mind that I may not always have the opportunity due to either school, work, travel or anything else that may get in my way. If you ever need to contact us, feel free to send a message to either account through Steam (both accounts are linked through that). Send messages to the Steam usernames "milton_block" or "vasteel_original".

Guild Events

There are currently no guild events planned.

Member List

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