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Costume Gear

Perhaps costume gear should go in a smaller table in a section at the bottom?--SpiralMike 17:34, 3 August 2011 (UTC)

That works for me. Add another section. --Equinox 00:56, 4 August 2011 (UTC)

The helmet worn by the iron buckler wielding knight on the left, under the header Take Up Your Arms looks strange, I know I'm only new here, but I've read over nearly everything and it looks like no other helmet I've seen. What helmet/costume is it? --HexZyle 03:46, 16 December 2011 (UTC)

I also noticed under the header "Join your fellow knights in Haven" it has images of knights running around with crystals on their backs. Was this ever possible or is this just a modified image for advertising? --HexZyle 03:47, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
The crystals in the picture are minerals, though it is not possible to carry them on your back in Haven (at least currently), only in the clockworks. I would assume the helmet is an old design from the beta. There are still wiki pages for some old equipment that is no longer available, such as the Magikat Hat, which looks similar (though not identical) to that picture. --Antistone 22:13, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
I know they're minerals, I'm just wondering if it ever was possible to carry in haven. I looked that the magicat hat..but this one has its eyes open and doesn't have those side flaps...the same helmet appears in one of the pre-release previews. --HexZyle 02:04, 17 December 2011 (UTC)
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