Schemer Razwog

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Razwog carrying his unique lime green flamethrower.
Schemer Razwog is a gremlin encountered on Missions 1-2, "The ancient generator", and 1-4, "Crossing the Chasm"; he is the first gremlin a spiral knight has to fight in the game. He is a rather ill-kempt gremlin with green outlines and a set of goggles, and has a very short temper and rude personality.

The first time Razwog is encountered, he gets very upset over the presence of the newly-recruited spiral knights in his lair and causes his grey battlepod and several retrodes to attack the party. After the battlepod is defeated, he retreats while exclaiming that he would come back to deal with them later, leaving the party to grab the generator.

Mission 1-4 sees Razwog appear early in the stage, in a room filled with large rockets. He demands the generator to be returned or else he would explode aforementioned rockets and kill the party: Rhendon hands it over in an attempt to avoid the party's death, but Razwog blows the rockets up anyway, forcing the party to traverse a burning obstacle course for most of the remainder of the stage.

Near the end of mission 1-4, Razwog is encountered for a third and final time as the game's first boss. Surprised that the party managed to get out of the inferno alive, Razwog nonetheless vows to kill the party after mentioning that he gave the generator to his superiors. Razwog's abilities are akin to those of the Scorchers, the gremlin slowly wandering around the room and projecting waves of fire: he will also summon gunpuppies, retrodes, and scuttlebots to assist him in the battle. After taking enough damage, Razwog falls to the ground and dies, leaving the party to finish their trip to haven largely unimpeded and (hopefully) freed from the gremlin's interference with their missions.

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