Knights Frontier (Guild)

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Knights Frontier
GuildLogo-Knights Frontier.png

Masters of LD

Guild Founder: Benightz
Approx. Population: N/A
Guild Master(s):


Guild Officer(s):



Welcome to Knights Frontier. A guild where we do lockdowns. Thats mainly what the whole guild is about. But we also do mission runs. Only strong LD knights can join or any knight who is super strong and can do missions. This guild is not created yet.

Requirements to join

We will not accept users who did not recieve their 2 star certification. We will require you to have at least these items.

-Dusker Set -3* star weapon (At least 1 weapon) -2* shield -Must be Knight Elite and over. -T2 armour, weapons and shield. -Recieve 3 star certification from Hall of heroes. -Challenge 1 member in lockdown.


Our guild is about doing lots of Spiral knight's activites like Lockdown, helping knights, etc. We also need a full respectful guild. Bad respect will cause bad reputation to our guild. You have to follow these rules at all times.

1. No begging - You will get some crowns eventually when you get promoted. Begging will decrease the chances of getting what you want. You can just ask us if we can get you what you want and we will think about it.

2. Be active - We cannot have a inactive guild. You must come at least every 10 days. After the 10 days, we will be sending you a mail with a warning. If you forgot to tell us why you didnt come on (Like you were on vacation, I have too much school work, etc...), then you wont get a warning. However, after 10 days and you dont respond for another 10 days, then you will be either banned from the guild or another warning. If you dont come on for a month, it's a %100 person chance that you will be kicked out and we will send you a mail about it.

3. Respect your Guildmates - When you ask a guildmate to help you in a mission or anything and they tab you, you must repay them back by maybe paying them crowns, energy, weapons, tabbing them back or any other way in helping them.

4. Violant talk will not be TOLERATED - We cannot have bad talk about what you did. Let's say in Lockdown, you defeated all the knights, but don't say it in a bad way like this:

"I just finished a bloody lockdown match. Lots of blood were in the room because I killed everybody with my bloody pointy sword. I stabbed a knight behind their back. Lots of scratches on them. I was also murduring a knight because I got him trapped and he got raped. I had a few scratches on me"

No... Just no, we will not tolerate this talk. You cannot swear to your guildmates. You can swear about something, but not at knights. If we hear a violant talk here, you will automatically be kicked out permanently and you will be ignored from joining this guild.

5. Don't abuse your powers - This rule is super important. Once promoted to officer or guild master, you cannot demote rapidly or any abuse in demoting for no reason. You also cannot promote unless they have done a certain task. If we find out that you are demoting/promoting for no reasons or in any bad reason, you will be demoted, and kicked out immediately.

6. Golden Rule - Help knights, respect others and have fun!!


To earn ranks, you must earn it by doing certain tasks or winning promotions that we host.

Recruit -You will start with this rank

Member Be in the guild for at least a week and help a knight.

Veteran This is a mid rank. To earn this, be in the guild for at least a month, help at least a few knights, play Lockdown with a guildmate to challenge each other (And have fun) and be trustworthy with respect.


If you want to earn this rank, you must challenge 1 officer in Lockdown, 1 veteran in Lockdown, and do a test run with a Guild Master. You must also be trustworthy and respectful.

Guild Master

This rank is not possible to earn right now.

Records of your Lockdown. We will keep track of all of your LD stats. Stats coming soon!!!

Officer and Guild Masters guide

You should have valid reasons why you want to demote, kick, promote, etc. Here are the reasons why you can kick.

1) If you hate somebody in your guild, do not automatically kick them out. This is a bad abuse that will cause bad reputation to us. Offense #1: Demoted to member for a week or so|Offense #2: Banned from the guild forever.

2) If your promoted to Officer and another knight got promoted, the first one that got promoted has higher rights. Officers cannot demote officers or demote other for no reason. Offense #1: Direct Ban

3) If somebody has been rude lately in the guild, you should mail a guild master and let him know what has happened. The guild master will think about it and decide to kick or leave it. If you thinked it was really offensive and had to do immediate action, please demote them and then send a mail to a Guild Master. Making a attempt to tricking the guild master will result as a kick out from the guild Offense #1: Direct Ban from the Guild

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