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The mind is a creativity spring, and it means very much to you if you are creative.

Joined: December 2011
Guild: The Shadow Legion
Achievements: 49/60


I'm a long-term knight, joining around December of 2011, when Winterfest was going on. I managed to join multiple guilds, the one I was in most was Resistance, but then around April I made Arcana and in early June I destroyed my own guild. Out of sheer depression.

Then I was trying to find a guild, felt hopeless, then I realised, just think about it: It's not necessary. So I put on sunglasses and chillaxed. Until I found The Shadow Legion. >.>

Few more things about me and whatnot

I have been playing for 10 months, which means my SK anniversary will be in December 2012, which many people say it's the apocalypse. Enough already about that, it won't be the apocalypse, just some calendar starting over.

I like dubstep and electro. I also like ambient, so that means I like 009 Sound System and Aalborg Fantasy Soundtracks.

I like cola. If you disagree, I'll feed you to my pet Snarbolax.

I am working on a game using RPG Maker VX. It will be released on December 25.

I like raspberries. Put me in a field full of ready to pick raspberry bushes. I will devour them all.

I'm a brony. DEAL WITH IT.


Being friends with Magnus.

Pro at Royal Jelly Palace.

Being Me.

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