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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allredirects arcontinue="Battle_Chef_Coat" />
      <r ns="0" title="Barbarous Thorn Blade" />
      <r ns="0" title="Barbarous Thorn Shield" />
      <r ns="0" title="Barrel Belly" />
      <r ns="0" title="Battle Arena" />
      <r ns="0" title="Battle Arena (mission)/Eternal Struggle" />
      <r ns="0" title="Battle Arena (mission)/Showdown" />
      <r ns="0" title="Battle Arena (mission)/The Bitter Battle" />
      <r ns="0" title="Battle Arena (mission)/The Oozing Onslaught" />
      <r ns="0" title="Battle Boar Helmet" />
      <r ns="0" title="Battle Boar Suit" />