Aus SpiralKnights-de
Monsters are the terrible creatures that can be found within the ever-changing halls of the Clockworks. Varying greatly in strength and intelligence, monsters are the primary obstacle keeping the Spiral Knights from the secrets and treasures of the world beneath Cradle.
For ease of reference, monsters are broken up into several families. This grouping typically indicates similar appearances and types of attack, as well as general weaknesses they may have to particular items or damage types.
Bestien sind wiederstandsfähig gegen Elementar-Schaden und empfindlich gegen Stich-Schaden.
- Chromalisk series
- Wolver series
- Snarbolax
- Rabid Snarbolax
Konstrukte sind wiederstandsfähig gegen Stich-Schaden und empfindlich gegen Elementar-Schaden.
- Gun Puppy series
- Lumber series
- Mecha Knight series
- Retrode series
- Scuttlebot series
- Tortodrone
- Shufflebot
- Shufflebots do not actually belong to any monster family, although their appearance suggests they are constructs. Shufflebots possess no strengths or weaknesses.Another thing which makes them fit in is that they will not sleep if hit with a sleep vial.
- Roarmulus Twins
- Red Roarmulus Twins
Geister sind wiederstandsfähig gegen Schatten-Schaden und empfindlich gegen Stich-Schaden.
Kobolde sind wiederstandsfähig gegen Elementar-Schaden und empfindlich gegen Schatten-Schaden.
- Gremlin series
- Crimson Order
- King Tinkinzar
Schleime sind wiederstandsfähig gegen Stich-Schaden und empfindlich gegen Schatten-Schaden.
- Jelly series
- Lichen series
- Polyp series
- Royal Jelly
- Ice Queen
Untote sind wiederstandsfähig gegen Schatten-Schaden und empfindlich gegen Elementar-Schaden.
- Howlitzer series
- Kat series
- Phantom
- Slag Guard series
- Zombie series
- Gourdling
- Part of the Dark Harvest Festival and is only around during that time.
- Punkin King
- Part of the Dark Harvest Festival and is only around during that time.
- Lord Vanaduke
- Lord Vanaduke does not actually belong to any monster family, although his lore leads to the belief that he is undead. He does not, however, share the same resistances or weaknesses as common undead.
- Darkfire Vanaduke
- Darkfire Vanaduke does not actually belong to any monster family, although his lore leads to the belief that he is undead. He does not, however, share the same resistances or weaknesses as common undead.