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Revisión de 18:13 14 sep 2013

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Skill-Ataque Cardíaco de Hierro.png

Iron Heart Attack is one of two Ultimate upgrade paths for Heart Attack and can be chosen once Seraphynx reaches level 95, the other being Violent Heart Attack.

In addition to targets dropping hearts they also occasionally drop Defense Orbs, which when picked up boost the player's defense for a randomly selected amount of time (usually 15 seconds, but up to a minute and 40 seconds has been reported), obtaining another one while there is one still active will extend the duration. These last approximately 30 seconds before dissapearing.

Choosing this Ultimate skill gives Seraphynx an iron halo behind its head.


Enchants a group of targets. If destroyed while enchanted, targets have a higher chance of dropping restorative hearts.

Bono Máximo

Targets destroyed while enchanted may also drop defense orbs.

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