Plantilla:Note-MiniMap Icons Clockworks

De SpiralKnights-es

Revisión a fecha de 06:38 27 sep 2015; HikaruFer (Discusión | contribuciones)

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Clockworks Icons:

Map-icon-point of interest.png = Tends to indicate a temporary condition of interest or threat.

Map-icon-conversation.png = Indicates an NPC that will talk to the player.

Map-icon-questfinish.png = Usually indicates that a quest has been finished and the player should investigate.

Map-icon-end.png = where a knight can get on an elevator to progress or return to Haven.

Map-icon-gate-golden-key.png = pick up this key and bring it to a golden gate.

Map-icon-gate-golden.png = this gate could use a golden key found somewhere in the level.

Map-icon-sprite.png = Usually indicates a Nature Sprite that needs help. Seen in the Firestorm Citadel.

Map-icon-spritelock.png = Usually indicates where a Nature Sprite should be placed. Seen in the Firestorm Citadel.

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