
De SpiralKnights-es

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El/Los tipo(s) de daño y velocidad de ataque influyen en combate. El estilo de ataque de la arma en relación con el entorno de combate es también importante. Considere ambas cuando escoja que arma empuñar.


Las mejoras/boosts y penaltis son ambos considerados "habilidades" en general. Muchos artículos no tienen ninguna habilidad especial. Vea la pagina de habilidades para mas detalles. Algunos enemigos son inmunes a ciertos efectos de estado - vea la pagina de efectos de estado individuales para mas detalles.

Este articulo no tiene ninguna habilidad especial.

Todas las armas ganan estos bonos de CTR (Reducción de tiempo de Carga) mientras van subiendo nivel.
  • Nivel 5+: CTR: Bajo
  • Nivel 10: CTR: Medio
  • Catalyzer no es parte de un set.

El Catalyzer es una pistola de 2 estrellas.


An advanced alchemical armament adapted from Gremlin mining and demolition devices. Charged Catalyzer bullets envelop the enemy in an energy field that explodes on contact with regular shots.


Basic Attack

Fires a very slow moving projectile up to 9 squares away, allowing up to 3 shots before reload. The shots create a small burst when they hit, and are capable of damaging more than one enemy with a single attack if they are closely spaced. Bullets from this gun can set off explosive charges applied by Charge Attack (see below). There is no recoil when using the basic attack and the user can move at approximately half speed while firing.

Charge Attack

Catalyzer charge attack before being ignited by normal shot
Catalyzer charge attack after being ignited by normal shot

Fires a very slow moving, non-lethal energy orb that has a range of 9 squares and will orbit around the enemy after hitting them instead of causing damage.
Since the projectile does not cause any damage, it cannot be used to activate switches, destroy blocks, or free/awaken frozen and sleeping enemies.
However, if an enemy struck by a basic attack from this weapon while any orbs are in orbit, all orbs surrounding target will detonate, damaging and knocking back target and all nearby enemies.
The orbs will linger for an extended period of time if successfully attached to enemies, allowing multiple charges to be applied before being detonated.
Any catalyzer weapon can detonate any explosive charges, it is not restricted to only your own charge rounds.
In rare (or well-executed) cases, single charged Catalyzer shots can stick to more than one enemy if they are in close proximity.
The recoil from the charge attack will push back the user 2/3 of a square when firing.

Below table shows the approximate charge time in milliseconds:

Ninguno Bajo Mediano Alto Muy alto Ultra Máx
Catalyzer 1100 1000 900  ?  ?  ?  ?


The following damage values represent the weapon at its completed level, without any UV or bonus from other equipment, and listed as the damage dealt on the first and last floor of each stratum.

Tabla de Daño del Catalyzer.
Estrato 1 Estrato 2 Estrato 3 Estrato 4 Estrato 5 Estrato 6
Basic Attack 11 - 12 15 - 17 28 - 30 29 - 26  ?  ?
Charge Attack 34 - 37 46 - 52 52 - 56 49 - 43  ?  ?


Vendors who sell this item:



Alchemy Path

Catalyzer's alchemy path
☆☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★

Equipment-Catalyzer icon.png

Industrial Catalyzer
Equipment-Industrial Catalyzer icon.png

Volatile Catalyzer
Equipment-Volatile Catalyzer icon.png

Equipment-Neutralizer icon.png

Equipment-Catalyzer icon.png

Toxic Catalyzer
Equipment-Toxic Catalyzer icon.png

Virulent Catalyzer
Equipment-Virulent Catalyzer icon.png

Equipment-Biohazard icon.png

Herramientas personales