Lord Vanaduke

De SpiralKnights-es

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Lord Vanaduke
Monster-Lord Vanaduke.png
  • Mace Attack normal icon.png
Attack elemental icon.png
Icon status fire.png Icon status stun.png
  • Ataque cargado Attack normal icon.png
  • Escombros Attack normal icon.png
Icon status stun.png
  • Bullets Attack elemental icon.png
Icon status fire.png (Fase 2, 4)
  • Flame Souls Attack elemental icon.png
Icon status fire.png (Fase 3, 5; passive)
  • Fire Snake Icon status fire.png (Fase 5)
Débil a
  • Attack piercing icon.png
Piercing damage (Fase 1, 3, 5)
Resistente a
  • Attack elemental icon.png
Attack shadow icon.png
Attack piercing icon.png
Everything except Normal damage (Fase 2, 4)

Inmune a

  • Attack shadow icon.png
Shadow damage (Fase 5)

Lord Vanaduke (comúnmente abreviado vana) es el Duque del Imperio Almirian, un mundo fracturado y esparcido por los Mecanismos. Su bandera puede ser vista en el Palacio del Jelly Real, y la Fortaleza Escarlata. El recide en la Salón del Trono de la Ciudadela de Fuego, muy cerca del Core.

He is intensely hostile to intruders into his kingdom, y assume all are after him. When you first step on the party button, a dialogue box will appear, with Lord Vanaduke saying, "¿Qué es esto? ¿Más lobos deseosos de saciar su sed con sangre de Almire? ¡Nuestro reino jamás caerá ante estos perros!"

Note that while he is not actually undead, he is marked as one simply because of the fact that he 'died' according to the history of the Ciudadela de Fuego.


Lord Vanaduke-Mugshot.png

Vanaduke tiene cinco fases, alternando de escenario cuerpo, a la etapa de la máscara / de bala. Su cuerpo tiene una ligera debilidad de perforación, y es poco resistente a todo lo demás. Su máscara, sin embargo, es resistente a cualquier tipo de daño, además de normal. Vanaduke no parece pertenecer a cualquier familia monstruo.

FASE 1)Su primera etapa tiene dos ataques. Él se moverá lanzara su mazo hacia un jugador, lo que puede provocar un incendio y paralizante si hace contacto, y crea un temblor leve que rompe soportes fijos. Los parches de tierra se encenderán inmediatamente a un tono anaranjado al azar, y los escombros en breve golpear esos puntos con la probabilidad de provocar un incendio y paralizante también. También puede lanzarse hacia un jugador, y puede seguir inmediatamente con un mazo. Convoca cuatro muertos vivientes para luchar a su lado, y se generan más deben todos ellos sean muertos.

FASE 2)Después de tomar suficiente daño, se retirará al final de la sala, caera de rodillas, y ocultara su rostro mientras su máscara se separa de su armadura y empieza a flotar en el fuego, mientras que todos disparan balas alrededor. Dos balas rojas gigantes también orbitan alrededor de su máscara. Su máscara será inmune a los daños, así como disparar balas constantemente, mientras que está en llamaso. Utilizando los waterballs proporcionados, el jugador tiene que temporalmente "apagar" la máscara de Vanaduke poder dañarlo. las bolas de agua, también pueden destruir las balas, incluidas las grandes, las que orbitan. Su máscara se volverá a encender en cinco segundos, y las balas órbita volverán a aparecer en el tiempo. FASE 3) After dealing enough damage to the mask, the mask will return to Vanaduke's face. The first phase will resume, except with four large orbs of flame orbiting his body. Vanaduke's mace swing y debris can now spawn Shadow Fire around the area it lands.

FASE 4) The mask stage will then repeat again, however with more y faster bullets. Agile Knights who get past this stage will have successfully destroyed Vanaduke's mask y move on to the final stage.

FASE 5) The final phase is like phase 3, except Vanaduke will now have two waves of orbiting flame orbs, spawn Slag Guards instead of Slag Walkers, y can cast a fire stream attack, which causes no damage but can inflict fire if a Knight comes into contact with the flames. Although Vanaduke's flame orbs can block bullets, a gun is strongly recommended for the final stage (it should be noted that the fire balls that defend Vanaduke in his body stages can be temporarily extinguished with water balls)


The hardest part of the battle is dodging the Shadow Fire that spawns when Vanaduke strikes the ground. Ultimately, the main goal in the battle is to kill Vanaduke, but staying alive is also important in this process. Shadow Fire should be extinguished every time it spawns in the active battle ground to prevent accidental run-ins with it later on. Another option is prevention, which requires the player (who has Vanaduke's aggro) to stay out of his line of sight at all times. This can be done by freezing him or kiting around to stay behind him at all times throughout the battle. Note that his aggro does shift to the player dealing the most damage to him.

Matar a la bestia

Vanaduke can be held (frozen) in place by a freezing bomb, so players can simply kite around him while he is frozen in place. Note that in the final stage, only a Shivermist Buster can reach him from outside the radius of his orbiting fire orbs. They can be extinguished so a lesser bomb can reach, but the orbs reignite periodically without warning.

The fire orbs surrounding Vanaduke can be constantly extinguished so he is reachable by sword in later stages. However, the orbs will often respawn without warning, making this method very dangerous unless Vanaduke is envenenado, which prevents the orbs from respawning. The main problem with using swords in the latter stages is navigating through the maze of Shadow Fire that no doubt surrounds him.

Cómo lidiar con los monstruos generados

Some parties will designate a player to handle the monster spawns while the rest focus on Vanaduke. This is done by controlling the monsters' aggro, freezing them in place, or simply shield-bumping them away from the battle. Be warned that Vanaduke will summon more monsters to replace the ones currently in battle no matter how many are still alive.


Vanaduke is weak to piercing attacks in his body form (Fase 1, 3, y 5), slightly resists everything but Normal in his mask form (Fase 2 y 4), y gains a complete immunity to Shadow damage in Fase 5. For this reason, many players will bring a Leviathan Blade with them to the fight, as well as a Piercing gun to reach him in the later stages where he is surrounded by fiery orbs. Argent Peacemaker y Blitz Needle are the two popular choices for this battle. Weapons are usually charged up while the player is kiting in order to release a stronger attack on him when ideally positioned.

In this battle, almost everything can y will inflict Fire on the player. Because of this, armor with a protection from Fire is highly recommended, though not a necessity. A shield with Elemental, Shadow or Fire protection is also highly recommended.

Many parties choose to freeze Vanaduke in place for the duration of the battle, making the fight easier. For this reason, a Shivermist Buster with a higher Charge Time Reduction is recommended--one player will stand in place, continuously freezing Vanaduke, while the rest kite around y attack him.


Spiral Knights - Lord Vanaduke - World Record 1:48 min

Advertencias/Problemas conocidos

Vanaduke currently has four broken elements to his fight that can instantly damage you without any warning or time to prepare or react appropriately. These are...

  • Lava blocks spawning from falling debris. Lava blocks do not need to spawn exactly where debris has fallen, y if you're nearby, can spawn inside of you y keep you from moving at all if centered enough, even if reviving.
  • Vanaduke can bodyblock you into a corner. If you are unlucky enough to get pushed by Vanaduke into a corner with him, it is just like lava spawning on you y keeping you from moving, but cannot simply be watered away.
  • Slag Guards abusing the camera angle. Slag Guards, who only have a charging attack, can come up from the bottom of the screen and, due to their speed, hit the player in half a second of coming on screen.
  • Stun will cause him to double-attack. If he is stunned in the middle of one of his moves, he will perform it instantly ahead of his animation, y again once his animation is completed. A mace swing will create double the ceiling debris y lava spawn, y a dash will hit you before he's even there. He will also double-summon slags, which will kill the first set y give a chance at free hearts.

While there are workarounds for the Slag Guards, y stunning him is easily avoidable; being trapped by Vanaduke, having lava blocks spawn on you, or even being stuck inside lava blocks can severely hamper your goal of defeating Vanaduke, so it is recommended to avoid Vanaduke's dash near corners, y debris at all costs, instead of blocking it.



  • Un Recon Module can be obtained in front of the lift right after killing Vanaduke.
  • Lord Vanaduke does not actually belong to any monster family, although his lore leads to the belief that he is an undead. He does not, however, share the same resistances or weaknesses as common undead.


Spiral Knights - Lord Vanaduke - Evento de Preestreno

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