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   - Normal weekly treasury vote.
   - Normal weekly treasury vote.
  - Guild Demotions.
  - Guild Demotions.
   - PM a Guild Master during this time to tell them of anyone who deserves to be demoted. <br/> You must give a 5kcr deposit to the GM to do this, which will be returned if your call is deduced as reasonable. This is to stop spamming. The committee will watch the guildee over the course of the next week and deduce if they deserve to be demoted.
   - PM a Guild Master during this time to tell them of anyone who deserves to be demoted. <br/> You must give a 5kcr deposit to the GM to do this, which will be returned if your call is deduced as reasonable. This is to stop spamming. <br/> The committee will watch the guildee over the course of the next week and deduce if they deserve to be demoted.
==From The GMs==
==From The GMs==

Revision as of 19:19, 12 July 2015

Destiny Rebellion
GuildLogo-Destiny Rebellion.png

Sonzai Suru Chenjā

Guild Founder: Chaos-Mist
Approx. Population: 50
Guild Master(s):


Guild Officer(s):

Blazehearty, Fabylon

Destiny Rebellion: Story

Guild Rules


In order to be promoted the Knight looking for promotion must take the initiative! If you have met the requirements a GM/Off will not promote you without your request.

Guild Rooms Guild rooms are available to Veteran and upwards and cost the owner 3500cr per week. To purchase items for your room, send (in mail) the crowns for the item and the name of what you want bought. Once bought you are free to put it anywhere you want (aslong as in your own owned space).

Guild Tokens

Guild Tokens can be exchanged for the following items (of spenders choice) (note that for rare equipment, exchange of tokens is for the recipe);

Yy-Uu-Killedbatman has 350 tokens.

Fabylon has 2673 tokens.

Soul-Caliber has 2140 tokens.

Nuvoiun has 1350 tokens.

Blazehearty has 3623 tokens.

Mostafa-Shabrawy has 2800 tokens.

Ankatsuke(?) has 800 tokens.

Darekiddevil-Steam has 1623 tokens.

Tokens cannot be cashed by those below Veteran. This is to stop people joining, ranking to member, grabbing cash, running.

Guild Meeting

Guild meetings are Saturdays at 6pm BST (British Summer Time). The relevant information in regards to this will be posted when the next week's discussion points have been decided!

For guild updates, competitions and a friendly chat join "The_Wolver_Club_Official_Page" on Facebook (The official page of The Wolver Club and The Destiny Rebellion). "https://www.facebook.com/groups/Endymia/"

If you join the guild Facebook try to introduce yourself. It's awkward if we think you're just some random who saw the page linked to a friend. ^^

Guild Meeting Results for 12/7/15;

- Guild Committee
  - Guild Committee will be put in place. Members are yet to be selected.
- Treasury Vote
  - Treasury this week will go into the War Room.

Guild Meeting Topics (as of yet) for 18/7/15;

- Committee Members
  - Vote as to who should be allowed on the committee.
- Blazehearty's Position
  - Before his computer-less spell he was a temp-Gm and guildees wanted it to be permanent but no vote was made. Vote as to GM or Officer.
- Guild Taxes
  - Should Member+ guildees have to pay into the guild weekly? This is currently on hold.
- Guild Treasury
  - Normal weekly treasury vote.
- Guild Demotions.
  - PM a Guild Master during this time to tell them of anyone who deserves to be demoted. 
You must give a 5kcr deposit to the GM to do this, which will be returned if your call is deduced as reasonable. This is to stop spamming.
The committee will watch the guildee over the course of the next week and deduce if they deserve to be demoted.

From The GMs


At the moment the guild is undergoing an emblem and banner change. These are being developed by Fabylon (and possibly Alaosis). Looking great so far! :D
I'm back. ^^
Power Player guild competition is currently only on the guild Facebook page. I've had difficulty juggling time as it's my first week back. In the future these will hopefully be available on the wiki.
Fabylon doesn't have his lappy atm so the banner/emblem is on hold.

From The Officers



Without laptop until further notice.

Hall Of Fame

Chaos Mist (Guild Founder)

Hall Of Shame

[This is where those who have been permanently banned are written! Fortunately no-one's here yet. :D]

Guild Improvement!

- Have any ideas to improve the guild? Post them here for a GM to see (or mail them to a GM in game) to have your 
idea considered. :D
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