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<strong>Guild Storage/Wells:</strong> Materials in storage are for crafting purposes only. Please don't abuse this, as it will result in demotion and/or removal from the guild.  Most wells are for decoration only, so please leave them be.
<strong>Guild Storage/Wells:</strong> Materials in storage are for crafting purposes only. Please don't abuse this, as it will result in demotion and/or removal from the guild.  Most wells are for decoration only, so please leave them be.
<strong>Guild Treasury:</strong> Although members are not required to pay any upkeep, we encourage donations.  Whatever you can offer will be accepted!
<strong>Guild Treasury:</strong> Although members are not required to pay any upkeep, we encourage donations.  Whatever you can offer will be accepted! Note that all items deposited into the treasury cannot be reclaimed by anyone, even Guild Masters.
<!-- Editor Note: Yes, this page is cribbed shamelessly from Lionheart (Guild), who are collectively awesome! -->
<!-- Editor Note: Yes, this page is cribbed shamelessly from Lionheart (Guild), who are collectively awesome! -->

Revision as of 13:23, 19 August 2015

Divine Shadows is a guild that welcomes everyone needing help and all those who wish to help others. From new squires to old guard, we have no tier restrictions as we seek to help everyone who comes to our guild's doors.

Our focus is assistance. Not in the sense of handouts, but in providing advice on builds, help in completing missions, a recipe-finding service, and all the little things that help make Spiral Knights a more enjoyable social and gaming experience. We aim to be a guild where you grow both in your playing skills and in your altruistic ability towards the Spiral Knights community. Our members will be happy to aid you in this development if you want that. If not, feel free to still run with us; helping others is what we want to do after all!

We generally focus on mission-running and arcading, but we do have people who enjoy the PvP aspects of the game and would be willing to participate with you and provide mentoring. After all, Spiral Knights isn't JUST about playing Whack-A-Snarby.

If you are interested in joining our guild, you can always send an in-game email to any of the Guild Masters. Or feel free to just ask any member of the guild to forward your interest in joining to the officers (or just hang out with us, sooner or later someone will ask if you want to join).

Even if you don't join, feel free to hang out with us!

Guild Rules:

Our guild runs rules-light and strives to be tolerant of all attitudes. That said, we DO have a few basic rules:

1. All language is fair game, but do respect others' willingness to listen. Don't spam chat, or harass people via /tell. Do try to be pleasant. If you can't be nice to someone, just don't talk to them. We're here to help people, and that becomes VERY difficult when arguments start.

2. Do help people, but try to avoid handouts to beggars. We're here to help people become better at Spiral Knights, and to have an enjoyable time delving the Clockworks. So if someone asks, try to free up some time to go help that person. If you can't, try finding someone in the guild (or even a friend) to help that person. Aim to run missions, provide advice on builds, tactics on bosses and the like. Don't do handouts, because handouts don't improve people's skills or knowledge of the game. Note: This doesn't prevent gifts. If you think the person deserves it, feel free to gift whatever you feel like.

3. Remain active. We tend to remove inactive players whenever the population maximum is reached. If the guild populations has reached near maximum, players are removed based on their rank and time of inactivity. We generally remove any players who have been inactive for more than 1 month. (If a player is going to be inactive for a long period of time, send a vacation request to a Guild Master.)

Ranks and Promotions:

Advancement in the guild depends on your competency and attitude as a player. Other things we look at are: 1) time spent in the guild, 2) maturity in words and behavior, 3) contributions to both the guild and Spiral Knights community, 4) reputation as a player, 5) quality of your gear, 6) ability to successfully complete various missions.

Recruit – You will be a recruit for your first 2 weeks while we get to know one another.

Member – After 2 weeks in the guild, ask an officer and you will be promoted to Member.

Veteran – You must have reached Vanguard rank [10-1] and be comfortable in running new folk through arcades and missions.

Officer - Veterans who have been in the guild for a minimum of 1 month and have demonstrated solid capability and maturity will be eligible for promotion to Officer. Being that this is purely a judgement call by the Guild Masters, feel free to ask about advancement, and if you pass an internal interview, you'll be promoted. Even if you don't pass, you'll be coached on how to pass the interview in the future (as interest in helping coordinate the guild is rewarded!)

Please note that with promotion to Officer comes a few new powers and responsibilities. After all, you're the primary management of the guild, one part cheerleader, one part headmaster.

Guild Master – There are currently no plans to add to this rank.

Guild Hall Usage:

Interior Decorating/Personal Rooms: Cooperative amongst the Officers and Guild Masters. Please don't beggar the guild and do talk about what changes you want to make with the rest of the officer corps. After all, we all have to share your vision on a daily-use basis. As such, we have very few personal rooms, and encourage an open usage plan for the guild.

Guests: Our Guild Hall is generally open to the public. Remember, your words and actions are representative of our guild, so please be polite to visitors. If someone is causing problems, contact an online Officer/Guild Master, or email a Guild Master and we'll look into it.

Guild Storage/Wells: Materials in storage are for crafting purposes only. Please don't abuse this, as it will result in demotion and/or removal from the guild. Most wells are for decoration only, so please leave them be.

Guild Treasury: Although members are not required to pay any upkeep, we encourage donations. Whatever you can offer will be accepted! Note that all items deposited into the treasury cannot be reclaimed by anyone, even Guild Masters.

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