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== Burzurk ==
| width = 250px
| align = right
| margin = 0px 0px 20px 20px
| title = Burzurk
| body =
{{SKCell|[[ File:Equipment-Magic Hood_icon.png|45px]]|center}}
{{SKCell|[[Magic Hood]]}}
{{SKCell|[[ File:Equipment-Wolver Coat_icon.png|45px]]|center}}
{{SKCell|[[Wolver Coat]]}}
{{SKCell|[[ File:Equipment-Skelly Shield_icon.png|45px]]|center}}
{{SKCell|[[Skelly Shield]]}}
{{SKCell|[[ File:Equipment-Fireburst Brandish icon.png|45px]]|center}}
{{SKCell|[[Fireburst Brandish]]}}
{{SKCell|[[ File:Equipment-Autogun_icon.png|45px]]|center}} 
== Guild ==
Team Magma[http://wiki.spiralknights.com/Team_Magma]

Latest revision as of 03:15, 17 August 2011

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