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== Jamoo ==
== Jamoo History ==
When i first touched down on [[cradle]], i had no idea what to do, where to go, this and that...blah de blah de blah...
But after making some friends, I began to understand the purpose of the mission, and began to contribute.
After gaining my full 2 star skelly set, I logged on the very next day to find that all I had left was my [[Mining Hat]] (bleh...)
I had been hacked! (The horror :(  )
Frustrated and confused, I began to regain my confidence in the game, and upon learning from one of my friends, I purchased the [[gunslinger]] set!
But as it may be said, I have been through my fair share of [[Swords]]!
I began with a [[Calibur]], I thought a perfect sword to start a new beggining, but soon i was doubtful about the power of the [[Tempered Calibur]], so using at that was left of my crowns, I purchased a [[Striker]]!
But seeing that the sword was not at all good, I used up my jelly gems to obtain a [[Sealed Sword]], on reccomendation from my guild master (AFK) Irevolutioni.
Having crafted my [[Avenger]], I now seek a [[Divine Avenger]] recipe, wish me luck!
== Notable Achievements ==
Hit second place twice on the [[Lockdown]] global table (I will beat you Badworm...)
Completed [[Lord Vanaduke]] Run with Guild Officer at the time (AFK), Pvpmirage, using only 3 star gear =)
== Guilds ==
Starting the game, I did not understand the main purpose of a [[Guild]], but began to obtain little knowledge.
I started off with a guild named 'Soul Eaters', ( I have never mentioned this guild up until this point =P) but realizing the stubbornness of the guild, left almost immediately, much to the frustration of the Guild Master. 
I then joined the well-known guild named Impervious, realizing that they were a great guild, but had fallen out with a guild veteran at that time ( this person has now left), so decided to leave the guild in order to better myself.
Next, I found a guild going by the name of 'teamfortress' (no doubt in reference to the game itself) and spent a lot of time there, gaining an officer status and good recognition with the guild founder.
All was going well, and it couldnt be better when i refused to give up on the firestorm citadel with 2/3 star gear.
In recognition of my 'courage' and 'stamina' ( I would call it stubbornness) , a guild master promoted me up to Guild master status!
But when I logged next morning, I was shocked to find that the founder of the guild name (How did he 'found' the name, is there no such thing as copyright?) had demoted me, because he didn't 'like' me.
That is when I realized that this guild was as rubbish as 'Soul Eaters', and along with a guild master at the time (expertskey), we left the guild in protest.
Expertskey claimed he would find another guild (or if needed found his own), so i did the same, and went around searching for another guild.
I came across a guild going by the name '[[AFK (Guild)|AFK]]', and thought 'this could be my chance!', and got in contact with an officer, 'Sappen'.
Accepted into the guild without question (Which i learned was a top priority in the guild, to be interviewed), I began to make new friends in the likes of, 'mightyputty', and 'furtive'.
Seeking new heights in the guild, I came to mightputty and another guild member ultimatespirit with the idea of both a youtube channel and webiste for the guild, the idea being praised within seconds!
The website was the first to be launched, made and operated by ultimatespirit with skill. The youtube channel took about a week, as the guild had to decide who was going to film the videos, and with nothing better to do, I volunteered for the videos.
The youtube channel had its first video uploaded two days after its launch, a jelly king run in 12 seconds (mightyputty claims it to be 15 =P)
The guild soon got involved with the LOL tournament, a tournament set up by lhykos of impervious to add the fun into pvp lockdown!
After our first few matches of lockdown, mightyputty and irevolutioni decided to form a makeover of the entire guild, one step at a time!
After the makeover was finished, i found myself in a veteran status, looking to find a way to prove to guild masters that i was ready to become an officer...
== My Equips! ==
'''[[Proto Sword]]'''
'''[[Static Edge]]'''
'''[[Vile Striker]]'''}}
{{showhide|[[file:icon-handgun.png|20px]] Handguns|content =
'''[[Proto Gun]]'''
'''[[Frost Gun]]'''
'''[[Shadowtech Alchemer]]'''
'''[[Firotech Alchemer MK II]]'''
'''[[Needle Shot]]'''
{{showhide|[[file:icon-bomb.png|20px]] Bombs|content =
'''[[Proto Bomb]]'''
'''[[Blast Bomb]]'''
'''[[Crystal Bomb]]'''
'''[[Rock Salt Bomb]]'''
'''[[Electron Bomb]]'''}}
{{showhide|[[file:icon-helmet.png|20px]] Helmets|content =
'''[[Spiral Pith Helm]]'''
'''[[Mining Hat]]'''
'''[[Circuit Breaker Helm]]'''
'''[[Spiral Scale Helm]]'''
'''[[Magic Hood]]'''
'''[[Dusker Cap]]'''
'''[[Sunset Stetson]]'''}}
{{showhide|[[file:icon-armor.png|20px]] Armors|content =
'''[[Spiral Brigandine]]'''
'''[[Circuit Breaker Armor]]'''
'''[[Spiral Scale Mail]]'''
'''[[Magic Cloak]]'''
'''[[Sunset Duster]]'''
'''[[Ash Tail Coat]]'''}}
{{showhide|[[file:icon-costume.png|20px]] Costumes|content =
'''[[Authentic Frankenzom Mask]]'''
'''[[Authentic Spookat Mask]]'''
'''[[Golden Bombhead Mask]]'''
'''[[Ruby Bombhead Mask]]'''}}
{{showhide|[[file:icon-shield.png|20px]] Shields|content =
'''[[Proto Shield]]'''
'''[[Scale Shield]]'''
'''[[Jelly Shield]]'''
'''[[Mighty Defender]]'''}}
== Short Stories ==
{{showhide|Snarbolax-First Encounter!|content =
A soft breeze rippling through the air, a foul stench of poison and contamination. The black shadow peering through the tree's literally playing with it's food. Spotting the beast peeking through the branches, I swiftly took out my firotech alchemer MK II, and without fail in aim, opened fire. The beast disappeared almost instantly, vanishing through the air. My party members staring forward at the lair- the lair of the Snarbolax. The Snarbolax, bringing fear in its wake, a wave of darkness in the gloaming wildwoods. Entering the beast's home, we prepared our weapons, and it apeared. Black shadows cast everywhere it stood, not a shred of light anywhere close to it. Whipping out my striker, I charged forward, attacking with all my might. But alas! The swift attacks from my sword could do no damage to the beast, not penetrating its thick hide. Near enough we noticed something that tech knights had placed within the lair, a bell that would stun any enemy near it, this could be our only hope. Getting my shield in place, I shuffled towards the bell, while my fellow comrades distracted the beast. They lured it towards the bell and, with speed of a barbarous thorn blade. i hit it with all my might. The Snarbolax instantly becoming a strange yellow colour, we all attacked at once, and finally, we slayed the beast.
Recording:  As Spiral HQ is not yet fully operational and most systems are offline, these personal recordings will have to suffice as a record of our expedition until HQ can establish an Uplink system with squads in the field.
The clockworks are both fascinating and horrifying. Within a seemingly impossible machine all manners of alien worlds exist within the giant globes that endlessly churn through every floor. What purpose do they serve? And from where did these worlds come from?
Before the crash the Skylark performed a partial scan of Cradle's surface that revealed what appeared to be a landscape composed of enormous parches of disparate terrain. The Clockworks are a manufactured place, perhaps the worlds they contain are harvested from the terrain above. But how?}}
{{showhide|The Construct Trap!|content =
We sprinted up the long pathway, a sound of clogging machinery, and the grinding of the the construct all around us, but this is what we should expect of the clockworks, and we were not sure what was coming for us. Whipping out our weapons, we had found out earlier this same day that this was a trap set up by the gremlins, a fearsome hoard of intelligent warriors, they very last tribe you would want to face if travelling alone. As we entered what seemed to be an arena, a horn sounded, and flashing lights rang around our ears. Now I am very familiar with gun puppies, and what I saw rising upon both sides of the arena seemed strangely familiar to the appearance of most gun puppies, except for the fact that these two are 10 times larger! Striking them over and over with my silversix, yet failing to cause any damage!
Then I realized that the only way to defeat this terrible twosome was for them to destroy each other!
Lifting switches up and down to let their deadly missiles through, each time scoring massive damgage, then they began to shoot out laser beams, dodging all 8 beams, i saw that their defenses had been shut down, and using all the power left in me, reduced them to spare parts.
Recording: We narrowly evaded a gremlin trap today. Ambushed on a platform above a pit of molten slag, we had to hold our own against a horde of the snarling beasts as we dodged incoming rocket fire from above. Fun stuff.
Grantz took the full blast of a rocket twice, reacting only with a stagger as if he had discovered a stone in his boot. Sometimes I think that beneath his iron suit is a body of equally heavy iron. It wouldn't surprise me.
Parma has been hard on herself, saying that she should have scouted the trap. But how can you scout that is ever in flux? How can you be sure that the path ahead is still safe if you can never be sure it's still even there?
This is a world designed to confuse its travellers. It wants to trap and destroy them. I'm starting to think it's like a cat, toying with its prey before delivering the final blow.
I hate cats.}}

Latest revision as of 13:58, 23 August 2013

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