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| width = 200px
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{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Name:''' Lechery|||2}}
{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Aliases:''' ---|||2}}
{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Affiliation:''' [[Luminous (Guild)| Luminous]]|||2}}
{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Battle Style:'''
* Gunslinger
* Swordsman|||2}}
{{SKWindow/Cell|'''Quote:'''". . ."|||2}}}}
{{showhide| [[file:icon-helmet.png|20px]] Helmets|content =
:[[file:Equipment-Deadshot_Chapeau_icon.png|25px]] [[Deadshot Chapeau]] '''+''' [[file:Equipment-Drab_Mecha_Wings_icon.png|25px]] [[Mecha Wings|Military Mecha Wings]] '''+''' [[file:Equipment-Drab_Vented_Visor_icon.png|25px]] [[Vented Visor|Military Vented Visor]]
'''>>Deadshot Chapeau Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Increased Shadow Defense: Medium]''
* ''[Increased Elemental Defense: Low]''
:[[file:Equipment-Ice_Queen_Crown_icon.png|25px]] [[Ice Queen Crown]] '''+''' [[file:Equipment-Drab_Scarf_icon.png|25px]] [[Scarf|Military Scarf]] '''+''' [[file:Equipment-Cool_Vented_Visor_icon.png|25px]] [[Vented Visor|Cool Vented Visor]]
'''>>Ice Queen Crown Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Increased Stun Resistance: Medium]''
{{showhide|[[file:icon-armor.png|20px]] Armor|content =
:[[file:Equipment-Heavenly_Iron_Armor_icon.png|25px]] [[Heavenly Iron Armor]] '''+''' [[file:Equipment-Drab_Canteen_icon.png|25px]] [[Canteen|Military Canteen]] '''+''' [[file:Equipment-Ghostly_Aura_icon.png|25px]] [[Aura|Ghostly Aura]]
'''>>Heavenly Iron Armor Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[N/A]''
:[[file:Equipment-Nameless_Poncho_icon.png|25px]] [[Nameless Poncho]]
'''>>Nameless Poncho Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Increased Freeze Resistance: Maximum!]''
{{showhide|[[file:icon-costume.png|20px]] Costume Pieces|content =
:[[file:Equipment-Onyx_Bombhead_Mask_icon.png|25px]] [[Onyx Bombhead Mask]]
:[[file:Equipment-Iron_Bombhead_Mask_icon.png|25px]] [[Iron Bombhead Mask]]
:[[file:Equipment-Emerald_Bombhead_Mask_icon.png|25px]] [[Emerald Bombhead Mask]]
:[[file:Equipment-Golden_Bombhead_Mask_icon.png|25px]] [[Golden Bombhead Mask]]
:[[file:Equipment-Plasmatech_Bombhead_Mask_icon.png|25px]] [[Plasmatech Bombhead Mask]]
:[[file:Equipment-Plasmatech_Demo_Suit_icon.png|25px]] [[Plasmatech Demo Suit]]
:[[file:Equipment-Chapeau_of_the_Blue_Rose_icon.png|25px]] [[Chapeau of the Blue Rose]]
:[[file:Equipment-Tabard_of_the_Blue_Rose_icon.png|25px]] [[Tabard of the Blue Rose]] '''+''' [[file:Equipment-Proto_Crest_icon.png|25px]] [[Proto Crest]]
{{showhide|[[file:icon-sword.png|20px]] Swords|content =
:[[file:Equipment-Barbarous_Thorn_Blade_icon.png|25px]] [[Barbarous Thorn Blade]]
'''>>Barbarous Thorn Blade Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Damage Bonus vs. Fiend: Low]''
* ''[Damage Bonus vs. Gremlin: Low]''
:[[file:Equipment-Fang_of_Vog_icon.png|25px]] [[Fang of Vog]]
'''>>Fang of Vog Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Charge Time Reduction: Medium]''
:[[file:Equipment-Cold_Iron_Vanquisher_icon.png|25px]] [[Cold Iron Vanquisher]]
'''>>Cold Iron Vanquisher Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Attack Speed Increased: Medium]''
:[[file:Equipment-Grintovec_icon.png|25px]] [[Grintovec]]
'''>>Grintovec Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Damage Bonus vs. Beast: Low]''
:[[file:Equipment-Faust_icon.png|25px]] [[Faust]]
'''>>Faust Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Attack Speed Increased: Low]''
* ''[Damage Bonus vs. Fiend: Low]''
{{showhide|[[file:icon-handgun.png|20px]] Guns|content =
:[[file:Equipment-Argent_Peacemaker_icon.png|25px]] [[Argent Peacemaker]]
'''>>Argent Peacemaker Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Charge Time Reduction: High]''
:[[file:Equipment-Blitz_Needle_icon.png|25px]] [[Blitz Needle]]
'''>>Blitz Needle Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Attack Speed Increased: Low]''
:[[file:Equipment-Nova_Driver_icon.png|25px]] [[Nova Driver]]
'''>>Nova Driver Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Attack Speed Increased: Low]''
:[[file:Equipment-Polaris_icon.png|25px]] [[Polaris]]
'''>>Polaris Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Damage Bonus vs. Fiend: Medium]''
:[[file:Equipment-Valiance_icon.png|25px]] [[Valiance]]
'''>>Valiance Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Attack Speed Increased: Low]''
:[[file:Equipment-Callahan_icon.png|25px]] [[Callahan]]
'''>>Callahan Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Attack Speed Increased: Low]''
:[[file:Equipment-Umbra_Driver_icon.png|25px]] [[Umbra Driver]]
'''>>Umbra Driver Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Damage Bonus vs. Gremlin: Medium]''
:[[file:Equipment-Blight_Needle_icon.png|25px]] [[Blight Needle]]
'''>>Blight Needle Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[N/A]''
:[[file:Equipment-Fiery_Pepperbox_icon.png|25px]] [[Fiery Pepperbox]]
'''>>Fiery Pepperbox Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[N/A]''
{{showhide| [[file:icon-bomb.png|20px]] Bombs|content =
:[[file:Equipment-Static_Flash_icon.png|25px]] [[Static Flash]]
'''>>Static Flash Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[N/A]''
{{showhide|[[file:icon-shield.png|20px]] Shields|content =
:[[file:Equipment-Dragon_Scale_Shield_icon.png|25px]] [[Dragon Scale Shield]]
'''>>Dragon Scale Shield Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Increased Elemental Defense: Low]''
* ''[Increased Normal Defense: Medium]''
:[[file:Equipment-Grey_Owlite_Shield_icon.png|25px]] [[Grey Owlite Shield]]
'''>>Grey Owlite Shield Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Increased Piercing Defense: Low]''
:[[file:Equipment-Omega_Shell_icon.png|25px]] [[Omega Shell]]
'''>>Omega Shell Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[Increased Shadow Defense: Medium]''
:[[file:Equipment-Green_Ward_icon.png|25px]] [[Green Ward]]
'''>>Green Ward Unique Variant(s)'''
* ''[N/A]''
{{showhide|[[file:icon-trinket.png|20px]] Trinkets|content =
:[[file:Equipment-Dread_Skelly_Charm_icon.png|25px]] [[Dread Skelly Charm]]
:[[file:Equipment-Radiant_Crystal_Pin_icon.png|25px]] [[Radiant Crystal Pin]]
:[[file:Equipment-Royal_Jelly_Band_icon.png|25px]] [[Royal Jelly Band]]
:[[file:Equipment-Elite_Quick_Draw_Module_icon.png|25px]] [[Elite Quick Draw Module]]
:[[file:Equipment-Elite_Quick_Draw_Module_icon.png|25px]] [[Elite Quick Draw Module]]
:[[file:Equipment-Elite_Trueshot_Module_icon.png|25px]] [[Elite Trueshot Module]]
:[[file:Equipment-Elite_Trueshot_Module_icon.png|25px]] [[Elite Trueshot Module]]
:[[file:Equipment-Elite_Quick_Strike_Module_icon.png|25px]] [[Elite Quick Strike Module]]
:[[file:Equipment-Quick_Strike_Module_icon.png|25px]] [[Quick Strike Module]]
:[[file:Equipment-Penta-Heart_Pendant_icon.png|25px]] [[Penta-Heart Pendant]]
:[[file:Equipment-Penta-Heart_Pendant_icon.png|25px]] [[Penta-Heart Pendant]]
{{showhide|[[file:icon-artifact.png|20px]] Artifacts|content =
:[[file:Artifact-Hatch_Handle.png|25px]] [[Hatch Handle]]
:[[file:Artifact-Medal_of_Monstrous_Merit.png|25px]] [[Medal of Monstrous Merit]]
:[[file:Artifact-Recon_Module.png|25px]] [[Recon Module: Gloaming Wildwoods]]
:[[file:Artifact-Recon_Module.png|25px]] [[Recon Module: Ironclaw Munitions Factory]]
:[[file:Artifact-Recon_Module.png|25px]] [[Recon Module: Royal Jelly Palace]]
==The World==
Why are any of us here? To have fun, of course, but...Some lose track of what's important; what being a knight should be about.
As we start out, we are new and vulnerable. Some of us feel alone, too awkward or nervous to try and join with others to enter the Clockworks.
Though we die from time to time and waste our Energy, we start to get better and more confident and may even make a friend or two along the way.
Passing from Tier 1 into Tier 2 feels like such an accomplishment, one of those ''"I did it!"'' moments. You feel so proud of yourself, especially if you made it alone.
You realize that now things have gotten a bit more challenging and there are certain things you just can't do. At least, not without your friends behind you.
Grinding your way to what you consider the top, you finally enter into Tier 3. Things just got a whole new shade of difficult for some.
Crowns and Energy seem to fly by as you try and craft your gear to fit the situation.
After everything, defeating bosses and making it through whole expeditions without dying, we are proud. Some of us, a little vain. For still some others, they may become more than vain.
It is as this point that, when looking back, we don't recognize ourselves from when we first started.
''"I've gotten stronger,'' I hear you say. ''"I've gotten better. I deserve what I've worked for. I deserve to be noticed, to have expensive gear."''
To an extent, yes; you do deserve what you've worked for. There is nothing wrong with being proud.
Upon reaching this state, people will split into a few different personality types from what I can gather...
==Types of Knights==
* '''The Average Knight:''' Those that will continue to play for fun, not really helping out anyone or striving to achieve anything. Merely uses Spiral Knights as a time waster. In a sense, just a normal gamer.
* '''The Vain Knight:''' Those that will want to have the greatest gear possible and use their "status" to talk down on either new knights, or those that they deem weaker by comparing themselves to others in ways meant to lower self esteem in their targets. Often times covered in expensive items and boasting about achievements, how many boss runs they've done, etc. ''[NOTE: These knights may or may not have all 5* gear at level 10, and may very well be 4* and lower.]''
* '''The White Knight:''' Those that want to help new recruits out and aren't afraid to spend a few crowns or some Crystal Energy in the process. Usually very polite when speaking and patient with the new knights. At their best they will be selfless and modest.
* '''The Business Knight:''' Those that are in it to see how much money they can make. May or may not care about gear themselves. Often uses the Auction House and shouts about selling the latest thing, strives to buy out others and make profits.
* '''The Warrior Knight:''' Those that will gain the greatest gear that they can and desire to be the greatest in PvP matches [see [[Lockdown]]], often destroying their competition with no remorse. May develop an inflated ego as a result, with behavior including, but not limited to: trash talking, raging when beaten, unnecessary language, disrespect, etc.
''[It's worth noting that there will always be cases in which certain knights will not fit in with any specific category, although these can be studied and described on a case-to-case basis.]''
Why am I here, then? It's simple, really...
I do not desire to be the greatest PvP knight ever to grace the face of [[Cradle]].
I do not desire to be the richest knight.
I do not desire to be unbeatable.
What I desire is to merely make Spiral Knights more enjoyable for the new recruits, for those that are struggling, for those who have few friends or allies and the like.
I can't guarantee I'll be able to make you famous.
I can't guarantee I'll be able to make you rich.
What I can guarantee is that if you need someone to talk to about something, if you need help in some way [Spiral Knights or otherwise], then send me a message. I'm always willing to lend an ear.
If you're new or having trouble earning crowns, I may just randomly gift you something, even if you're a complete stranger to m e. I do this on occasion because my philosophy is that if I have everything I need at the moment, then I see no reason to hoard my things. I take it upon myself to spread the wealth when I am able and maybe make someone's day just a little bit more enjoyable.
* I am of the male gender. ''[I'm a guy.]''
* My name is Latin and relates to the sin of Lust. Ironically this has nothing to do with my personality.
* Very rarely will I use a sword in combat. I'm 99% Gunslinger, 0.5% swordsman, and 0.5% other.
* Good people deserve good things. If you're a good person, you may very well be rewarded.
* Karma is a powerful thing; what goes around really does come around at some point in time.
* ''Good'' and ''Evil'' are relative concepts, and people often seem to forget this.
* No one really knows what goes on inside my head all of the time. This is probably for the best.
* Can you trust me? If I tell you that you can, that gives you a reason not to. It's up to you to decide, it's not something I can tell you.
==End Notes==
* My name is Lechery.
* I am a Spiral Knight.
* Friend or foe, everyone deserves to be helped at some point.
* If you need an ally or someone to adventure with, drop me a line. I don't bite.
''Lechery tips his hat.''
Goodbye for now, and good luck my friends.

Latest revision as of 04:19, 18 September 2013

Nothing to see here. Move along.

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