Difference between revisions of "Ice Dragon (Guild)"

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m (Special Order)
m (Usual Trade)
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:-Changes according to current ce market.
:-Changes according to current ce market.
*Equipment sales.  
*Equipment sales.  
:-currently, only 3* and lower are available for sell.
:-currently, only {{star|3}} and lower are available for sell.
'''''Please look for '''''Sir-Scarf''''' for more detail'''''
'''''Please look for '''''Sir-Scarf''''' for more detail'''''

Revision as of 23:57, 18 October 2012

Ice Dragon

Our armor may be ice cold, but our fighting spirit will always be as high as the soaring dragon!

Guild Founder: Bloodragonight
Approx. Population: 85
Guild Master(s):
  • Bloodragonknight (Founder)
  • Marvinmcrob
  • Ryuutsu (I.T.)
  • Slimebow (Human Resource: Veteran and below; CET Coordinator)
  • Steelluck (Leader) (Human Resources: Officers and above)
  • Superwolfer

Original GMs: Bloodragonknight, Marvinmcrob, Superwolfer, Unknowwarrior

Guild Officer(s):
  • Agentcosma
  • Auggyisonfire
  • Blandaxt
  • Creamymech
  • Fly-By-Night
  • Frenchcook
  • Frypuppy
  • Hailou
  • Kingthud (Opinion Advisor)
  • Legendary-Link
  • Mamxi
  • Mattbatman
  • Mikayoung
  • Mipdip
  • Sir-Scarf (Financial Council)

Equipment-Hunter Pith Helm icon.pngAbout us

We aim to provide a fun and enjoyable atmosphere, and we give help to our brethren in arms. We are all about cracking gremlin skulls and giving newer players a hand when in making better armor.

Icon-social-mp.pngTo Become a Ice Dragon

The recruitment is simple and easy, simply contact a guild officer and ask for a invite. We are not bias towards old or new players. We welcome all to join! Just be a devoted player and make friends! However, recruit that are inactive within a week will be remove from the guild.

Gate-The Hole.pngRules of the Clan

1. Be RESPECTFUL to your fellow guild member.
a. Such acts of disrespectfulness are, but are not limited to:
i. Harassment
-Constantly being mean to a member or a knight outside the guild
ii. Spamming
-Unnecessarily repeating posts
-Unstoppingly tries to "wake" a afk knight up.
iii. Excessive Swearing
-It’s alright to joke around, but too much swearing can get uncomfortable for some players.
-If a knight asks to stop, STOP.
iv. Racism
-Come on! Don’t be a jerk.
2. Don’t beg constantly.
a. If it’s for resources trade with a player or do a mission.
b. If it’s a promotion, ask once in a while, but if a GM doesn’t think you’re ready, then you are not ready.
3. Don’t threaten with "…or I’ll leave the guild".
a. If you do not want to be in our guild, then just leave.
b. Upon Removal, re-recruitment must be cleared among the officers.
4. Have basic guild attendance
  • inactivity after a month without prior notice to a GM will be an automatic removal.
5. No alt allow within the guild.
  • May cause confusion and unnecessary problem.
6. Do not threaten guild member with authoritative power.
  • Officers only.
a. Abusive use of power is zero tolerance.
b. First time will be a warning, second time is a automatic removal.

Clan Meetings

Meeting happens sometime, please attend while you can.

  • Mandatory for GMs and officers who are online.
  • All meeting will be announce ahead of time.
  • If you have personal conversations, please use /tell.
  • If you want to check email, craft, or just check anything etc, please do so quietly without interrupting the meeting.
  • Do not go on to a mission or game while in meeting.
  • If emergency comes up and you have to leave, it will be permitted. However, it is one's responsibility to know what was discussed in the meeting.

Icon-event hub.pngMeeting Summery

Growth Stage (Ranks)

Hatchling (Recruit)
Simply join the Ice Dragon.
Child (Member)
Be on a few times a week on average (1-2 weeks), and socialize with other members.
Juvenile (Veteran)
Has been in the guild for a while and has been active and helpful.
Adult (Officer)
A knight can request this promotion. The player should be on majority of the time, and recruit good players(new or old), and has been taken care of guild issue along side the GMs.
Ancient (Guild Master)
A knight can request this promotion. Such promotion has to be approve by most GMs. Keep in mind that one does need to make some kind of effort in and OUT of the game, punishments are also more severe in comparison to that of the other ranks, i.e: if you committed a crime against the guild, KICKED, no demotion.

Once a officer, please keep yourself update with guild information such as the rules

Crafting-Light Shard.pngA Jewel for a Crystal (In Guild Trade)Equipment-Radiant Sun Shards icon.png

No sales open right now!

Usual Trade

Currently, we have set up 2 type of official in-guild trade

  • Cr:Ce = 100:1
-only allowed to be bought in 10s or 5s.
-Changes according to current ce market.
  • Equipment sales.
-currently, only ★★★☆☆ and lower are available for sell.

Please look for Sir-Scarf for more detail

Special Order

  • only accept order once every 2 weeks
  • only allow ★★★☆☆ order
  • only accept one order at a time

Gate-Clockwork Tunnels.pngClockwork Exploration Team (CET)

CET coordinator: Slimebow

List of Team

Team Steelluck
  • leader: Steelluck
  • max number of team member, 2, excluding the team leader.
  • always have to be consist of a swordsman, gunslinger, and a bomber. Other weapons are allow, but have to have expert in at least one of the type.
  • If a help is needed, an extra member is allow to join.

--all are welcome to make a team of their own. Team rules, group members, and/or team name.

Gate-Prison.pngHow the Clan Operates

Guild Master (GM)

Section I
As GM, it is their responsibility to forward the goals of the guild outside of gamer space, planning meetings, and dealing with problems as they occur. If there is a dispute between GMs, a third party GM is required to break the stalemate.
Section II
As for recruiting, they have final say on a potential new recruit, whether he or she is allowed in the guild. All new recruits will gain member status at the discretion of a GM, preferably within minimum of a week, or at recruits’ requests.
Section III
For members that have proven themselves at the battlefield or age within the guild will gain veteran status at the discretion of a GM.
Section IV
As original GM, Bloodragonknight has final say on any decision, act or rule, although he and other GMs will not abuse that power for selfish gain, and harm to the welfare of the guild, or he and they will suffer punishments ranging from complaints of members to total expulsion of his own guild. There will be no demotions, once you are a GM; you are committed to the guild now.
Section V
As a GM, they have access to Officer’s chat (/o) to communicate with GM and Officer alike. Do not however, abuse this privilege or demotion or expulsion might be the consequence.


Section I
An Officer’s first duty is to find potential willing recruits to the guild. Understand that they do not have the power to promote any member without a GM’s approval. They can vouch, however for a member who requests early promotion.
Section II
An Officer’s second duty is to aid GMs within the gamer space, dealing with minor problems or reporting more serious situations or carrying out a GM’s order. If a GM is not able to come to the area and handle the situation, it is up to that officer to decide what action is to be taken at his or her discretion, but will understand the consequences that may follow.
Section III
As an Officer, they have access to Officer’s chat (/o) to communicate with GM and Officer alike. Do not however, abuse this privilege or demotion or expulsion might be the consequence.



Guild Discussion

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