Difference between revisions of "Knights Of Equestria (Guild)"

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== <b>Featured:</b> ==
== <b>Featured:</b> ==
[[File:KoE TwilightVSTrixie.png|240px|right]]
* [Previous] Episode 4: '''''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dUWf8ecUT0 "One Bad Apple"]''''' - Nov. 24
* [Previous] Episode 4: '''''[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dUWf8ecUT0 "One Bad Apple"]''''' - Nov. 24

Revision as of 21:33, 2 December 2012

Knights of Equestria
GuildLogo-Knights of Equestria.png

Love and Tolerance

Guild Founder: Espeonage
Approx. Population: 174/200 - Nov. 28
Guild Master(s):
  • Espeonage
Guild Officer(s):

- pending -

<Knights Of Equestria> - No pony left unloved!

11/28/2012 - Revisions in Session


- Season 3 Commercial -

Guild Activity:

Ranks will be undergoing heavy changes and reconstructions.

They are currently intended to be highly focused on each rank's ability to interact with guild hall features. Subject to change.

  • Possible proposals are:

- "Veteran" rank becomes an enabler status for those who wish to make changes to the guild hall. Sign up by inquiring with an official.

- Officers, see (Espeonage, Unity) or other informed Officers about where to record said joindates.

KoE Applejack 1.png

- Veteran Storage, following the above, may become a safety storage.

- "Member" rank, following the above, may effectively become the norm for rank.

  • Conducts currently in effects are:

- "Recruit" rank will be carried to a minimum 1 week. Please notify an official, on the day you join, of your joindate.

- All membership applicants must mail in an application to an official! It may contain anything the applicant desires to write.

  • The Mist Wells are currently closed until it is possible to effectively moderate usage of them.


  • Do not abuse the guild storages! You may take what you personally need from storage as long as you don't intend to sell it. Be reasonable and try to donate whenever and whatever you can.


- <KoE>



The chronologically oldest and a grand pony guild in-game, KoE was founded during the special access weekend previous to the public release of Spiral Knights. The guild is indeed focused around the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series, and though often full, we are definitely one of the friendliest guilds to be a part of.


Our aim here in KoE is to aid fellow guildies as they progress through the game, and of course, have fun! We've seen many members go from each end of the spectrum and beyond, many of which would have either gotten bored or quit had they never entered into the guild. The vets can often pass on their knowledge, help, and experiences to new fillies.

Along the way, we hope that you enjoy your time in the guild, and make many friends. As proven, friend-making is not just some silly nonsense, and there are some very kind-hearted members who are gems to know.


KoE talking elements.png


General guildlines, consisting of behaviors or conducts that everypony agrees on.

  • Be nice towards other guild members
  • Have regard for others - be mindful!
  • Please return as much as you take, even if it takes some time
  • No freeloading; we encourage helping each other out
  • Selling between guild members is prohibited - trading and loans are fine
  • Begging will not be tolerated! Please advise against it
  • Those requesting membership must send in an application first
  • Call out boss-series recipes that pop up at Bosco's list; you never know when a guildie may need one!


KoE Rarity 1.png

- An overview of what you can expect from a guildie; it is not a specific categorization of a role nor should you feel obliged to meet a "role." -

The following is subject to change as we work with the new setting from the guild hall update.

  • Recruit - They've just started, or are new to the guild. Get to know them! Returning members may likely skip this rank.
  • Member - Established members of the guild, consisting of the bulk of the guild. A colorful cast may lie here.
  • Veteran - Time-tested players, who have been with the guild for a long time. Your go-to reliable members.
  • Officer - Has capability and dedication that warrants their position. If there's something you need pertaining to the guild, go to them!

- For Officer promotions, general member feedback is taken into consideration. -


KoE Fluttershy 1.png

Guild List

An easy-to-parse list of all of the guildies, concurrent Nov. 17th.

The following is unranked, as the categories are currently for the purposes of editing the guild hall as we adapt to the update.


  • Feel like chatting, with an occasional call? Join us on Skype! Ask in-game for more info, provided we're online. It's like a casual, multimedia hub.
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