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= '''The History of the Guild''' =  
= '''The History of the Guild''' =  
Well, I suggest if you're not into history or stuff that you move on to the next section because you might get bored. However if you are a "lore nerd", you should stick around and learn the history of the guild. I'll try not to make it too boring, and don't leave the guild if you think it is. :D
Well, I suggest if you're not into history or anything like it that you move on to the next section because you might get bored. However if you are a "lore nerd", you should stick around and learn the history of the guild. I'll try not to make it too boring, and don't leave the guild if you think it is. :D
So It began with me (Jonbottron) and Gamer-Troopa both in '''"Flame Guild"'''. Me, being an Officer at the time decided to recruit some people, Gamer being one of the people I recruited, and so began one of the greatest friendships (online) that I can recall in my lifetime, which isn't very long. :3 Gamer, one day decided that he would start gathering energy and crowns to begin his very own guild. The first people he asked to join was me and Cool-Knight, another one of my good friends. Finally, Gamer created '''"Gaming Knights"''', the best guild in SK :D, around '''August 2012'''. We started recruiting immediately and gained some very loyal members. As I am typing this, the guild has be functioning almost for a whole year and we are still doin' it. So if you read all of this, thanks :D, and if you really enjoyed my story-telling prowess, then join our guild today. You won't be disappointed. We are still active and will continue to be active.
So It began with me (Jonbottron) and Gamer-Troopa both in '''"Flame Guild"'''. Me, being an Officer at the time decided to recruit some people, Gamer being one of the people I recruited, and so began one of the greatest friendships (online) that I can recall in my lifetime, which isn't very long. :3 Gamer, one day decided that he would start gathering energy and crowns to begin his very own guild. The first people he asked to join was me and Cool-Knight, another one of my good friends. Finally, Gamer created '''"Gaming Knights"''', the best guild in SK :D, around '''August 2012'''. We started recruiting immediately and gained some very loyal members. As I am typing this, the guild has be functioning almost for a whole year and we are still doin' it. So if you read all of this, thanks :D, and if you really enjoyed my story-telling prowess, then join our guild today. You won't be disappointed. We are still active and will continue to be active.

Revision as of 17:45, 2 November 2013

This is the official guild page of our guild, "Gaming Knights".

Gaming Knights
GuildLogo-Gaming Knights.png

"When we think of Gaming Knights,

We may think of our Humility.

While we may believe in Loyalty,

We also think of Video Games."

Guild Founder: Gamer-Troopa
Approx. Population: 40+ members
Guild Master(s):
  • Gamer-Troopa (Creator; Head GM)
  • Jonbottron (2nd Head GM)
Guild Officer(s):
  • Cool-Night (Head Officer)
  • Gearless (2nd Head Officer)
  • Super-Misho

Welcome to "Gaming Knights"

Guild Summary

"Gaming Knights" is a modest yet laid-back guild, made for friends and relatives of "Spiral Knights". Our main objective is to help out others in "Spiral Knights", but we simply hang out and have fun.

The most important thing about our guild is that we learn lessons and values from our mistakes; we build our characters from within, and we simply LOVE to have fun. It doesn't matter if we're a rich or not, our guildies are what matter most; We're a family.

For those unfamiliar with "Gaming Knights"...

Whether you have been referred to this page or you just stumbled upon it, you've came to the right place :D. If you're unfamiliar with guilds or you just don't want to join one, THIS should change your mind. Our guild provides help for those who need it most, which is the most important thing, right? Another thing is that we actually listen, not like other guilds who have their "set-in-stone rules". We are open to suggestions, and even if we don't like the suggestion, we won't dismiss you rudely like others.

So keep in mind if you're searching for a guild: We LOVE to have fun, we got strong guildies who will assist you with your missions and we have one of the best staffs around, including our very knowledgeable GM and founder, Gamer-Troopa. If you don't pick us as your guild to join, then oh well, we hope you enjoy the one you picked. Hopefully you will join though :D. Until then, see you around SK players!

The History of the Guild

Well, I suggest if you're not into history or anything like it that you move on to the next section because you might get bored. However if you are a "lore nerd", you should stick around and learn the history of the guild. I'll try not to make it too boring, and don't leave the guild if you think it is. :D

So It began with me (Jonbottron) and Gamer-Troopa both in "Flame Guild". Me, being an Officer at the time decided to recruit some people, Gamer being one of the people I recruited, and so began one of the greatest friendships (online) that I can recall in my lifetime, which isn't very long. :3 Gamer, one day decided that he would start gathering energy and crowns to begin his very own guild. The first people he asked to join was me and Cool-Knight, another one of my good friends. Finally, Gamer created "Gaming Knights", the best guild in SK :D, around August 2012. We started recruiting immediately and gained some very loyal members. As I am typing this, the guild has be functioning almost for a whole year and we are still doin' it. So if you read all of this, thanks :D, and if you really enjoyed my story-telling prowess, then join our guild today. You won't be disappointed. We are still active and will continue to be active.

How to join "Gaming Knights"; the requirements

If you are those who just started playing "Spiral Knights", those who needs help in certain parts of the game, those who simply wants to have fun, or those who just want to be in a guild, feel free to drop in. If you want to apply for signing up in our guild, be sure to tell either Gamer-Troopa, Jonbottron or any other Officers (Cool-Night or Gearless) in-game and tell us that you want to join our guild.

Before you apply to be part of "Gaming Knights", you must adhere to our regulations, otherwise known as the "Five Codes of Conduct":

  • You must be active at most times.
  • You must be friendly to our guildies, and other players as well.
  • You must be willing to support and contribute your wealth and suggestions for the guild.
  • You must be willing to abide to the rules and regulations, including the "Five Codes of Conduct" as stated.
  • Um... There is no "Fifth Code of Conduct". XP

Guild Ranking system

Like most of the common guilds in "Spiral Knights", our guild has a ranking system for guildies to follow. The ranks of the guild are separated into two categories; The "Lower", and The "Higher".

If you wish to be promoted and you feel you deserve a new title, we will take into consideration your merits and act accordingly. After that we will let you know our decision ASAP!

Guild Motto & Order

We have put our heads together to come up with a Guild Motto. We expect you guildies (including us Officers and GMs) to remember it whenever we ask of you to recite it. This is the motto:

"When we think of Gaming Knights,

We may think of our Humility.

While we may believe in Loyalty,

We also think of Video Games."

Study this and remember it at all times just in case we ask one of you to recite it.

There are 3 values mentioned in the motto, Humility, Loyalty and Gaming. I will explain each value in details...

  • Humility - In our childhoods, we are born in humble families and modest lives. As we grow up however, we strive to be ourselves; achieving our goals and desires, and living peacefully in life. This value represents our humility within us, as well as our hard-working nature, to earn our goals and desires in life.
  • Loyalty - The crest of the guild, is meant to represent our loyalty and attachment of the guild. We all come from different locations, nations and continents, and we all come in many shapes and sizes. We, at "Gaming Knights", should respect and treat each other as a member of the family, because we are always different from the rest, yet we strive to live harmoniously, together.
  • Gaming - The world of gaming is always filled with the unknown, as there are too many video games to even describe, to the point whereby the world of gaming serves as our second home. Once you has discovered a game, it's either a hidden treasure/gem, or a piece of trash. Even nowadays, there are organized competitions to test the skills of players worldwide. However, there exist hacks and cheats, allowing one to possess unfair advantages. Therefore, we should always be valiant and righteous knights, because we NEVER cheat, and cheating can happen anytime.

Another major topic we discuss is Order. We decided that the parts of Order in a guild would be The Rules, The Values, and finally, The Promotions. These are the main things that keep a guild running professionally and smoothly. Order is very important in a guild and in real-life.

The many values of the guild

Besides the Guild Motto, we also have these values that we have learned along the way:

  • Security

Precautions are better than cures; be mindful of dangers and risks, and avoid perilous dangers.

  • Courage/Bravery

Live for nothing, or die for something; Get out of your comfort zone, and risk your life for the greater benefit of others.

  • Generosity

Be generous to share your stuffs to your guild mates, and to not expect anything in return, even if they are willing to return the favor.

  • Kindness

Be kind to your fellow guild mates and play it nice!

Engrave the good others have done for you, and forget the good you have done for others.

  • Honesty & Integrity

Be honest in telling the truth, even with your own actions.

  • Humility

Be humble in your victories, and do not be arrogant; Accept your defeats and move onward.

Be humble and generous to give away something valuable for the better good; Sacrifice smaller benefits to gain greater ones.

  • Independence

Sometimes, you have to learn to handle problems on your own, because you don't have to rely on others to help you all the time; believe in yourself.

  • Perseverance

It's okay to fall down, you can always get back up again. As long as you're able to get up after falling down, you will be able to try again.

Gaming Knights guild rules

Like most common guilds, we have our own house rules guildies must follow, in order to create a friendly environment in the guild. Failure to comply with the rules will result in demotion or even being kicked out of the guild, so please, kindly pay attention. Also, we take our rules and values seriously, so we should expect the same from you. Here are the many topics of GK's rules:

Event Week!

There has been some changes made to the order of events at the beginning of the month. We are changing the Attendance Check and other guild events from the first of the every month to the first week of every month. It will be referred to as, Event Week (If anyone has any better names please let us know). Underneath is a link to all the information you need to know about Event Week. Check it out!! :D

Link to the Event Week page: Gaming Knights (Guild)/Event Week

The many wise phrases of Gaming Knights

Here is a list of the many wise phrases made up by all of us in Gaming Knights, as well as outsiders in SK. Like Jon's list of "real" words, some may actually be helpful in real-life, whereby some are for laughs. Most of the phrases made are from me, but if you have any wise phrases to share, be sure to inform either Gamer-Troopa or Jonbottron in-game or on Steam and I'll update the list with your desired phrase, along with your name.

  • "It doesn't matter if we're rich or not, the guildies are what matters the most; we're a family." (Gamer-Troopa)
  • "Power in mind is always stronger than our numbers itself." (Gamer-Troopa & Reglas)
  • "A good Knight doesn't need defenses; only skills." (Lechery)
  • "Reputation is not important to Knights but loyalty." (Cool-Night)
  • "Knights don't fight for money; but for loyalty and peace of their countries." (Cool-Night)
  • "All bad things are a storm, and storms never last; they would all be gone." (Gearless)
  • "Don't have negative thoughts; think positive." "That's what calms a storm." (Gamer-Troopa & Gearless)
  • "Farm 'till ya drop!" (Jonbottron)
  • "Life is too short to focus on the hating and such." (Jonbottron & Metro-Rwiz)
  • "A Knight has to treasure his health and his skills too." (Gearless)
  • "Words are men's truest wisdom." (Gearless)
  • "No pain, no gain; you will face pain, yet you gain something from pain." (Gamer-Troopa)
  • "Never wait for someone to give you anything, you do the work and go get it!" (Jonbottron)
  • "Impatience and laziness is not a good combination." (Jonbottron)
  • "A small sacrifice can make huge breakthroughs." (Gamer-Troopa)
  • "You're not a great knight because of your gear (although that helps), you're a great knight because of how you use your existing gear." (Jonbottron)
  • "Never stack too much on how much you can normally handle; In-game and in life." (Gamer-Troopa)
  • "The learned are often the humble; those who knows little loves to flaunt what they have." (Spike-Troopa)
  • "Water is formless, regardless of how you shape it; there are many ways to solve a problem, as it takes courage and wisdom, to discard old ways of thinking." (Spike-Troopa)

Jonbottron's List of "real" Words

This is a list created by me (Jonbottron) consisting of words I use on a regular basis or just happen to come up with. Some may actually be helpful to you and some may just make you laugh. Most of the words on the list will be made by me but if you have a word you like to use (preferable a fake one) then just tell me in-game or on Steam and I'll put it in along with your name. (Jonbottron)

  • laggy (adj.) - Used to describe a knight whose Internet connection is not so great and this lack of Internet manifests in the game.
  • Goaty/Goaties (noun) - The name we have given the friendly Mecha Bots, whom we have endeared ourselves to. Also, the guild's mascot.
  • Jelly-em-up (verb) - Used to describe what we do on a farming run of JK/RJP/Jelly King/Royal Jelly Palace, implying that we "beat up the jellies" in the run (provided by Gamer-Troopa).
  • Trollaris (noun) - The name we use to describe the Polaris. The word is a mix-up of "Troll" and "Polaris", which implies trolling other Knights with the Polaris' area-denial powers (provided by Gamer-Troopa).
  • guildie/guildies (noun) - Refers to a name given to the members of the guild.
  • Snarbs/Snarby (noun) - The name we used to describe the Snarbolax, the Tier 1 boss of SK. This implies Knights affectionately referring the Snarbolax as "Snarby" (provided by Gamer-Troopa).
  • Punning around (verb) - Used to describe Knights playing with puns, hence the term "Punning". Based on the phrase "Fooling around" (provided by Gamer-Troopa).
  • AHing (verb) - Used to describe the action of going to The AH (Auction Hall) and buying and/or selling items.
  • AFKing (verb) - Used to describe the action of being "Away From the Keyboard".
  • IGN (adjective/noun?) - No, not the website. This term is an abbreviation of the term in-game name.

~ These are all the words we have so far. If you wish to contribute, let me know! ~

Members' Profiles

For those who wants to know more about our guildies in GK, be sure to check out the Members' profiles page for the list of Gaming Knights members that have contributed and supported our progress to where we are today. If you're having problems in Clockwork/Arcade runs or Mission runs, you may refer to the list and seek help from your desired member. (Gamer-Troopa & Jonbottron)

Link to the Members' profiles page: Gaming Knights (Guild)/Members' profiles

Credits and Steam Page

The guild page has been edited by:

  • Gamer-Troopa (Guild Master)
  • Jonbottron (2nd Guild Master)

If anyone has any ideas on anything to add to this wiki, feel free to ask either Gamer, Jon, or Cool for permission and if we approve you may edit the page. Also let any of us if we are online to review the changes and if we aren't online then tell any of the other Officers or wait until we do get online. You must be at least a Veteran to be able to edit the guild page!

The guild also has a Steam group page so if you have a Steam and you either want to join the guild or you are a part of the guild, please ask any Veteran, Officer, or the GM to join and we will send you an invite.

Link to the Steam Group page: The Gaming Knights of Cradle - Steam page

Link to the official GK forums: SKGamingKnights @ Forumotion

Link to the GK YouTube channel: SKGamingKnights @ YouTube

Link to the GK Twitter page: SKGamingKnights @ Twitter

Link to the ask.fm Questions Page page: SKGamingKnights @ ask.fm

  • When you leave a question on the page, please remember to leave your Spiral Knights IGN (In-game name).


~ The Editing Team

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