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| officers = Thepartydude
| officers = Thepartydude
| pop = 20 and growing
| pop = Growing estimate 21

Latest revision as of 08:30, 2 February 2014

The Vanguards
File:GuildLogo-The Vanguards.png

The Vanguard shall not shrink for The Great Evil. We will vanquish the Darkness and bring Hope back to the Land for it is only during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the Light.

Guild Founder: Auir-Xel-Naga
Approx. Population: Growing estimate 21

Guild Officer(s):


About Us

This Guild was founded by Auir-Xel-Naga; an old solo-player who had been playing since the game began; sadly due to personal problems this player had to stop playing. Upon hearing of the new update in 2013 Auir-Xel-Naga rushed back in Spiral Knights hoping to regain his old access. However he crushingly found out that his old account had been deleted. Saddened but not defeated he dived into this new game world and stumbled upon an idea to create a Guild. It was during the late December of 2013 that The Vanguards came to life.

We are still a small Guild but in time we are not aiming to be the most well known Guild in Spiral Knights; though that would be nice. No, the main and ultimate goal of The Vanguards is to boost up new players, helping them to achieve things never before thought of, and to just have a good time with a strong friendship based Guild.

How To Join

1) Application

To join our Guild please send an application mail to either Auir-Xel-Naga, Tearsong or Memorymaze.

Upon obtaining the sent mail either three Guild Masters will request to have an audience with the Player at a certain location during a certain time. If the Player is not there at the appointed time, date and location the Guild Master will send a mail asking for another meeting appointment. However please do note that all three Guild Masters are still human who are completing Senior High School, it would be greatly helpful if you did not squander too much of their free time.

At the interview the Guild Master will talk with the Player, asking a few questions and possibly playing with them for either Boss Fights or Arcade Runs to see how they fare. They will then bid the Player farewell for now and bring back The Council, the application will then be voted upon.

If the application is successful an immediate mail will be sent out by Auir-Xel-Naga to the Player and they will be asked one last time if they want to join. Upon saying yes they will be successfully added into the Guild and join The Vanguards.

2) Inside Application

If a Player has a friend they want to have join the Guild the Player inside The Vanguards must first send a mail outlining why you, or them, want to join, and what rank are they. This request will then be brought to The Council and voted upon, if it is a yes the Guild Master will seek a timed audience with both the Guild Member and the Guild Members friend.

3) Hand Picked

Our current members of The Council and Officers do run the Arcade from time to time. Upon finding someone of interest they may talk to them for a while and inquire, if not already, if they would like to join the Guild. Upon saying yes these Players names will be noted down and passed back to The Council and voted upon.

If the application is successful a mail will be sent out to the Player by the Guild Master, or Officer, who recruited them adding them into the Guild and gaining a warm greeting as they enter The Vanguards.

Please do note that inactive members may be removed to make room for more Guild Members, if that happens it will be from the longest non-active Player without a reason; they will be given a compensation amount attached to an apology letter.

Guild Rules

1) Be Respectful and Kind everyone in Spiral Knights; not just the Guild.

2) Treat everyone the way you want to be treated.

3) Donate to the Guild as stated for your weekly payment according to Guild Rank.

4) Do NOT hesitate to ask for assistance; however do not demand it.

5) No degrading or harassing other members of any Player of the Spiral Knight society.

6) Respect decisions carried out by The Council; though you do have the right to inquire reasoning behind it.

7) Do not take out anything from the Guild Inventory without first gaining a passing mail from the Guild Masters.

8) Do not refuse to answer to any mail sent out by the Guild Masters.

Guild Branches

The Council


- Tearsong

- Memorymaze

- Auir-Xel-Naga

The Council consist of Tearsong, Memorymaze and Auir-Xel-Naga; all three are Guild Masters and cannot be removed in anyway via Auir-Xel-Naga. The extra two Guild Masters, as will be discussed under Guild Positions, will still be able to be put on Trial, Demotion or Banishment.

The Defense Compartment


- Memorymaze

This is the Wing of The Vanguard in charge for Demotions, Trial Holding and Investigation of Reports. They have the right and power to demote on the spot; however they are not allowed to Banish anyone on the spot. If applied further detail will be given.


- 5% Reduction on your Donations per week


- You have to be at least Defender

- You must be matured in the eyes of any Council Member

Treasury Holder


- Tearsong

This is the Wing of The Vanguard in charge for keeping track of Donations, Missing Donations and Fines. They are also in charge of keeping track of The Market and controlling all goods placed into the Auction House by The Vanguards. However this does not mean they can control the individual Guild Members Auctioned Goods. Also please note that these Players are asked to be able to run at least T2 levels to gain Crown to place into the Guild Treasury. If applied further detail will be given.


- 2% Reduction to Donations per week


- At least access to T2 and be able for run a full T2 on Normal

- 10% of that T2 run goes to Treasury



- Auir-Xel-Naga

This is the Wing of The Vanguard which is in charged of running Arcade Runs to look for any needed Recipes or Materials. These members are required to be continuously active and must be skilled enough to do T2 or T3 runs on Elite mode for the best drops possible. If applied further detail will be given.


- 10% too 25% Donation Reduction based on your Rank


- Must do one of the following least every 2 weeks:

 - 4 T2 Arcade Runs on Elite per fortnight with 10% of all income gained there going to guild treasury; the run must be completed
 - 2 T3 Arcade Run on Elite per fortnight with 20% of all income gained there going to guild treasury; the run must at least reach mid point

(Please note that the following will also be issued for emergencies if the Guild goes into Default and will cut all donations down by 50%)

 - 1 Vanduke Run on any difficulty with 100% of Crowns gained going towards the Guild Treasury 
 - 3 RT Runs on Elite with 50% of Crowns gained going towards Guild Treasury

 - 2 Royal Jelly Palace on Elite with 60% of Crowns gained going towards the Guild Treasury
 - 4 Snarbolax on Elite with 70% Crown gained going towards the Guild Treasury

- Must be willing to go and find Recipes or Materials requested by other Guild Members

- Must be able to access T2 or T3 Arcade Runs or Bosses

- Must pass Qualification Test Run

Please note that all positions above are allowed to all Players within The Vanguards upon reaching the Guild Position of Member. However whilst Members are not required to enter these roles it is preferred if you do. Each role will have their own method of promoting and demoting as they see fit.

If you have a complaint please bring it forward to The Council directly by mailing all Council members.

Guild Positions

Guild Promotion

Members will be promoted in accordance to their actions. Helping other guild members out, donating extra to the guild, and being active all contribute to the chances of you being promoted. You may of course, ask for promotions, but it does not guarantee that you will be promoted, it will however gain you more attention by the Guild Masters who will decide if you are worthy of a promotion or not. You may ask for a demotion if you do not want to hold a higher rank and give more donations to the guild or feel the responsibility is too much of a strain.

However please note that negative attitude will lead into demotion and possibly getting Banished from The Vanguards. For example if you require help please do not bluntly demand so but instead politely ask. So please keep on your best behavior and lets all have a good time.

Guild Punishments

1) Rule Breaking - Strike

If any Guild Member is found to break the rules all Guild Members are allowed to submit a complaint mail. Upon receiving this complaint mail the Guild Masters will bring this to The Council and action will be voted upon. The matter will be looked into by The Defense Compartment led by Memorymaze and action will be taken against the offender; if found guilty. It is requested that any complaint mail sent in is accompanied by witness and any screenshot or evidence which can be used to determined the Player in question's guiltiness. However The Vanguards policy is "Innocent until proven guilty".

However if the Player in question is marked as guilty they will be given a Strike. Whilst having this strike they will be effectively demoted immediately and have a one month period where they cannot be promoted as well as a fine of 1,000 crown to be paid to the offender and to the Guild Treasury as well as a double donation week for the offender (Note* This fine does not contribute to any Guild Members weekly donation). Upon obtaining 3 Strikes the Player will be sentenced to a viewing with The Council, this will lead to a Black Mark or instant banishment.

2) Donation Missing - Warning

If any Guild Member is found to either not be paying their full donation per week or not paying at all but have been logged on recently will be given a Warning. Upon obtaining a Warning Guild Master Memorymaze or Auir-Xel-Naga will send a mail requesting a reasoning for the absence of donation and an a response time before a second Warning is given. If your reason is indeed legitimate your Warning will be pardoned.

However upon obtaining 3 Warnings a Major Warning is given and a demotion will be carried out. This will come with a 1,000 crown fine donation straight into the treasury as well as a Mail to inform you about the Major Warning.

If any Guild Member obtains 3 Major Warnings they will be held in Trial by The Council and a punishment is to be sentenced out, this will lead to a Black Mark or instant banishment.

Any Player who gains three Black Marks will be effectively kicked out of The Vanguards without any Trial

Guild Roster

On Behalf of The Vanguards

Those whom hope to see you soon,

Tearsong, Memorymaze and Auir-Xel-Naga

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