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While in [[Haven]], your knight's health is not shown, and is theoretically always full.
While in [[Haven]], your knight's health is not shown, and is theoretically always full.
== See Also ==
* [[Treasure box|Heart Treasure Boxes]]
* [[Vitapod]]
* [[Heart]]

Revision as of 14:27, 14 May 2011

Health is the value that represents how much punishment a knight can withstand before falling unconscious.

While in the clockworks, your knight's current and maximum health can be monitered at the top-left and bottom of the user interface. The health bars shown at the top-left of the screen are organized in rows of 10 (and is also where you can see your party's health), While the health bars shown at the bottom will stretch and shrink according to where your current health is. Current health is in bars of the knight's chosen color (always red at the bottom), while lost health is in outlined bars of white.


Taking damage from monsters, and hazards will result in a loss of health. You will also see your knight blink in and out a few times. If your knight's health reaches zero, the knight will fall to the floor, unconscious, and bits of heat will pop out and land nearby. Reviving yourself will always cost energy and will return you to full health, but reviving others can be done by sacrificing half of your health (which is given to the other player). It is possible to have/lose health in fractions less than a half, but only half and full bars of health will be shown.

Regaining lost health is achievable by walking over hearts, or by using health capsule pickups.

You are able to raise your maximum health a few different ways. All Armors and Helmets two star and up automatically come with health plus bonuses. The Scarlet shield comes with a +2 health bonus, and a few trinkets also upgrade health. While in the clockworks, you will be able to find Vitapods which increase your knight's maximum health by the amount indicated. Only one may be equipped at a time, and they are lost upon returning to Haven.

While in Haven, your knight's health is not shown, and is theoretically always full.

See Also

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