Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Titleblacklist"
From SpiralKnights
Line 160: | Line 160: | ||
.*yahoo.* | .*yahoo.* | ||
.*spotify.* | .*spotify.* | ||
+ | .*Q-u-i-c-k-b--ℴ-ℴ-k-s.* | ||
.*①.* | .*①.* | ||
.*⑧.* | .*⑧.* | ||
Line 168: | Line 169: | ||
.*❶.* | .*❶.* | ||
.*⓸.* | .*⓸.* | ||
− | |||
.*ℓ.* | .*ℓ.* | ||
.*ℴ.* | .*ℴ.* | ||
− | .1-8.8.8-3.0.0-* | + | .*Š.* |
− | .Quic.kbooks.* | + | .*ℳ.* |
− | .su.pp.ort.* | + | .*н.* |
− | .Numbe.r u.* | + | .*a.* |
− | .TECH.* | + | .*ϖ.* |
− | .s.u.pp.ort.* | + | .*Ĝ.* |
− | .Numbe.r* | + | .*Ỉ.* |
− | .Quic.kbooks.* | + | .*Ļ.* |
− | .s.u.p.p.or.t.* | + | .*1-8.8.8-3.0.0-* |
− | .s.up.p.or.t.* | + | .*Quic.kbooks.* |
− | .techNI.CAL.* | + | .*su.pp.ort.* |
− | .Pho.n.E.* | + | .*Numbe.r u.* |
− | .L.A.L.1.8.O.O.91.* | + | .*TECH.* |
− | .error.* | + | .*s.u.pp.ort.* |
− | .su.ppo.rt.* | + | .*Numbe.r* |
− | + | .*Quic.kbooks.* | |
− | + | .*s.u.p.p.or.t.* | |
− | + | .*s.up.p.or.t.* | |
− | + | .*techNI.CAL.* | |
− | + | .*Pho.n.E.* | |
− | + | .*L.A.L.1.8.O.O.91.* | |
− | .844.* | + | .*error.* |
− | .Te. ch nical.* | + | .*su.ppo.rt.* |
− | .ph one.* | + | .*Centurylink.* |
− | .email.* | + | .*1844-780-6751.* |
− | .su pp ort .* | + | .*844.* |
− | .servic.* | + | .*Te. ch nical.* |
− | .Shaw.* | + | .*ph one.* |
− | .1-8.0.0-6.8.1-* | + | .*email.* |
− | .comcast.* | + | .*su pp ort .* |
− | + | .*servic.* | |
− | + | .*Shaw.* | |
− | + | .*1-8.0.0-6.8.1-* | |
− | + | .*comcast.* | |
− | + | .*800.* | |
− | + | .*8.0.0.* | |
− | + | .*1-8.* | |
− | .1-8.* | + | .*1.8.* |
− | .1.8.* | + | .*ĜḾãỈĻ.* |
− | .ĜḾãỈĻ.* | + | .*canada.* |
− | . | + | .*usa.* |
− | + | .*8.8.8.* | |
− | + | .*su.ppo.rt.* | |
− | + | .*PriNter.* | |
− | + | .*AOL.tech.* | |
− | + | .*AOL.* | |
− | + | .*Ặ.* | |
− | .PriNter.* | + | .*Ṏ.* |
− | .AOL.tech.* | + | .*Ɫ.* |
− | .AOL.* | + | .*Main Page.* |
− | .Ặ.* | + | |
− | .Ṏ.* | + | |
− | .Ɫ.* | + | |
− | .Main Page.* | + |
Revision as of 14:26, 2 August 2017
- This is a title blacklist. Titles and users that match a regular expression here cannot be created.
- Use "#" for comments.
- This is case insensitive by default
- Don't use <newaccountonly> as we use an external database for users
# tech support spam .*Hpprintersupp(o|0)rt.* .*Numbe.r.* .*supp(o|0)rt helpline.* .*(help[ \.]+desk|phone)[ \.]+number.* .*customer care.* .*service (tech|supp(ort)?).* .*customer service number.* .*tech(nical)?[ \.]+support.* .*quickbook.* .*(.*[^\d]|)1[ \-]\d{3}[ \-]\d{3}[ \-]\d{3}.* .*.1[ \-\.]?8[0oO]{2}[ \-\.]?\d{3}[ \-\.]?\d{2}[0oO].* .*(dell|hp|brother|canon) printer.* .*[I1][ \-~\.]?8[ \-~\.]?[0oO][ \-~\.]?[0oO][ \-~\.]?26[ \-~\.]?9[ \-~\.]?{I1][ \-~\.]?6[ \-~\.]?[0oO][ \-~\.]?8.* .*\b[I1]844.?46[I1].?2828\b.* .*[nN]orton [lL]ive [hH]elp.* .*(helpline|tech|s(ervice|upport)) (tele)?phone number.* .*(support|contact).?toll.?free.* .*0.800.098.8727.* .*(facebook|quickbooks) (customer|helpline|support|technical|on-?line).* .*gmail ?(tech|customer)? (service|support).* .*Q\.u\.i\.c\.k\.b.* .*1800-?213-?2171.* .*1844-?203-?1044.* .*supp0rt.* .*(help desk|support)(.?phone)?.?number.* .*c\.u\.s\.t\.o\.m\.e\.r.* .*s\.u\.p\.p\.o\.r\.t.* .*n\.u\.m\.b\.e\.r.* .*tech support (helpline )?n.* .*ℕ∪mβεR.* .*better page rank.* .*toll free (1800|number).* .*1800\d{7} helpline number.* .*customer service n[ou].* .*mozilla.* .*hotmail.* .*Thunderbird.* .*Sbcglobal.* .*Roadrunner.* .*Support Number.* .*Contact USA@.* .*phone.* .*help line number.* .*helpline number.* .*tech support.* .*McAfee.* .*Quick..Books.* .*24X7 .*facebook.* .*support.* .*quick books.* .*payrool .*qbo.* .*phon.e.* .*1800.* .*corporate.* .*office.* .*contact.* .*num-ber.* .*ph-one.* .*cust-omer.* .*google.* .*855.* .*800.* .*apple.* .*1855.* .*helpline.* .*help.line.* .*ph0ne.* .*cust0mer.* .*n-number.* .*customer.* .*888.* .*microsoft.* .*google.* .*gmail.* .*Yes i am .*Service Number.* .*18OO-927-2480.* .*Qui.ck.Boo.ks.* .*Tec.h.nical.* .*18OO-927-2480.* .*Service.* .*Number.* .*(8OO).* .*8OO.* .*G mail .*C ustomer.* .*S ervice.* .*8 8 8.* .*8 O O.* .*8 0 0.* .*Wehere.* .*QuickB00ks.* .*T.e.chn.ical.* .*Sup.p.ort.* .*Whom is.* .*Qui.c.K.Boo.ks.* .*T.e.chn.ical.* .*Sup.po.rt.* .*Yes i am.* .*Custom_er.* .*Ser.vice.* .*Pho.ne.* .*Supp.ort.* .*Hewlett.* .*Packard.* .*Pri.nter.* .*G.o.o.g.l.e.* .*t.e.c.h.* .*EBAY.* .*S-U-P-P-O-R-T.* .*C-U-S-T-O-M-E-R.* .*P.H.O.N.E.* .*N.-U-.-M-.-B-.-E-.R.* .*Cust.mer.* .*Q.ui.ck.bo.ok.s.* .*T.ec.h.* .*s.up.po.rt.* .*nu.mb.er.* .*Qu.ic.kb.oo.ks.* .*Te.ch.* .*Su.pp.or.t.* .*P.ho.ne.* .*Kindle.* .*provider.* .*credit.* .*card.* .*debt.* .*consolidation.* .*1844-445-5761.* .*Gmaiℓ.* .*Free.* .*umber.* .*technical.* .*pport.* .*call.* .*Quickbℴℴks.* .*QBAN.* .*Quickbooks.* .*intuit.* .*gopayment.* .*proadvisor.* .*payroll.* .*software.* .*QB.* .*online.* .*desktop.* .*netgear.* .*$upport.* .*Quickb00ks.* .*qu1ckbooks.* .*yahoo.* .*spotify.* .*Q-u-i-c-k-b--ℴ-ℴ-k-s.* .*①.* .*⑧.* .*⓸.* .*⑦.* .*⑥.* .*③.* .*❶.* .*⓸.* .*ℓ.* .*ℴ.* .*Š.* .*ℳ.* .*н.* .*a.* .*ϖ.* .*Ĝ.* .*Ỉ.* .*Ļ.* .*1-8.8.8-3.0.0-* .*Quic.kbooks.* .*su.pp.ort.* .*Numbe.r u.* .*TECH.* .*s.u.pp.ort.* .*Numbe.r* .*Quic.kbooks.* .*s.u.p.p.or.t.* .*s.up.p.or.t.* .*techNI.CAL.* .*Pho.n.E.* .*L.A.L.1.8.O.O.91.* .*error.* .*su.ppo.rt.* .*Centurylink.* .*1844-780-6751.* .*844.* .*Te. ch nical.* .*ph one.* .*email.* .*su pp ort .* .*servic.* .*Shaw.* .*1-8.0.0-6.8.1-* .*comcast.* .*800.* .*8.0.0.* .*1-8.* .*1.8.* .*ĜḾãỈĻ.* .*canada.* .*usa.* .*8.8.8.* .*su.ppo.rt.* .*PriNter.* .*AOL.tech.* .*AOL.* .*Ặ.* .*Ṏ.* .*Ɫ.* .*Main Page.*