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Hello! My name is Wolfgurl; as it is my in-game name. I am the second guild master of Lotus Storm. I usually try to manage to do 1 Vanaduke run Sunday-Thursday, and 1-3 Vanaduke runs Friday-Saturday. I'll help doing any tier boss, just ask. (: I'll accept, unless I am busy!
Hello! My name is Wolfgurl; as it is my in-game name. I am the second guild master of Lotus Storm. I usually try to manage to do 1 Vanaduke run Sunday-Thursday daily, and 1-3 Vanaduke runs Friday-Saturday. I'll help doing any tier boss, just ask. (: I'll accept, unless I am busy!

Revision as of 18:19, 27 August 2011


Hello! My name is Wolfgurl; as it is my in-game name. I am the second guild master of Lotus Storm. I usually try to manage to do 1 Vanaduke run Sunday-Thursday daily, and 1-3 Vanaduke runs Friday-Saturday. I'll help doing any tier boss, just ask. (: I'll accept, unless I am busy!


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