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== Supplies / Treasurer ==
== Supplies / Treasurer ==
1. the treasurer, Hadronvii will handle guild supplies and donations, and is open to requests of the needs of the guild. The treasury will be ran on mostly donations and high-ranking members donations. It is open to all serious members of the guild. vvv
The treasurer, Hadronvii will handle guild supplies and donations, and is open to requests of the needs of the guild. The treasury will be ran on mostly donations and high-ranking members donations. It is open to all serious members of the guild.

Revision as of 17:33, 7 November 2011

The Toxic union
[[File:GuildLogo-The Toxic union.File:Http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff445/D3ADKi113R/toxicunionsymbol1.jpg]]


Guild Founder: Hadron
Approx. Population: #13

Guild Officer(s):
  • Blizen
  • Bone-yard
  • Deadkillerr
  • Hadronvii
  • Lazerkbeam
  • legolaslad
  • You-next
  • Vegaboyz

About The Guild

When Hadron the leader of the toxic union got enough energy, crowns and friends, he began to ponder on the name of the guild. Soon after the guild grew slowly. He has recruited his officers, and sent them on a quest to expand the guild.

How to join

It is very easy to join. It is a very laidback guild, which is run smoothly by Hadron and his officers. Hadron’s officers have been specifically told to recruit anyone whom they feel worthy. You may also send my officers requests to join. Please know that the guild requires effort from its members to be successful.

Guild rules

  • No annoying other guild members.
  • Be polite and knight-like to everyone.
  • Officers, do not allow beggars into the guild please run all recruits by Hadron.
  • Also do not pick on lower ranked members.
  • Help your fellow guild members.
  • Please, if you need anything to get by, please ask an officer you know well or hadron himself. We will be glad to help you in any way we can.
  • Rank ups will be determined by officers, and most importantly by Hadron.


  • a warning will be given by an officer or Hadron.
  • Demotion of rank
  • Demotion of rank
  • Kicked from guild (under certain circumstances)
  • Banishment: for serious offenses or repeat offenders


  • Achieve a large amount of members.
  • Become a powerful, well organized guild.
  • Possibly become the greatest guild in all of Cradle.

Supplies / Treasurer

The treasurer, Hadronvii will handle guild supplies and donations, and is open to requests of the needs of the guild. The treasury will be ran on mostly donations and high-ranking members donations. It is open to all serious members of the guild.

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