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"The Story"

Importance, a new guild on Spiral Knights made by me, Snarkey. Importance was a guild on its own for about an hour and a half and I then got a /t from a friend named Lexxi-Is-Short, who is a former GM of another guild "Dominate." The /t said, 'Hello, would you be interested in merging guilds?' To this day, I am still unsure on why Lexi had picked my guild to merge with. But being that we were struggling to get a population in the double digits, I was greatly interested. We then spoke further on details about ranks, rules, requirements, etc. and soon enough, Lexi and I were inviting the members of Dominate to the new guild <Importance>. So several hours later, all the invites were out to previous members of Dominate and waiting to be accepted into the "new guild."


Snarkey "A.K.A. Snark" - I am a 16 year old male from Tampa, Florida, but I now am located in New Jersey. I have 4 IRL friends who play this game (Hydraulikz, Ijump, Faatman, and Mrob) and Hydraulikz was the one to show me this game. Now, let's get onto the SK part. I originally started my SK days in a guild named <Avolition> with my IRL friends. Realizing today, I noticed that is named after a group of Minecraft griefers that go around server to server and destroy what people created, but that's beside the point. Once realizing that guild was no longer active, I left to step up my game in an elite guild, so I joined <Guild>. 6 months later, I left Guild and since then, have been in: Reign of Chaos, Unity, Knightmare, and Order of Venus. I have experience with the most elite players on this game and have learned the methods on running a guild. I also have experience with power when I was in Knightmare being granted the rank of Officer. This was an introduction into owning and operating a guild of my own. I felt that I had enough experience and left my previous guild, Reign of Chaos, and made this guild, Importance. I am quite an experienced player as I have played along-side the biggest names on this game. I am a very good-spirited person, but I get competitive when it comes to Lockdown, Clockworks, or trash-talk in haven. :P

Lexxi-Is-Short - I am Lexxi, I started on the 2nd day of Beta and I am 15 years old. I am also pretty short. I was inspired to play when my brother Lukeawesomeness (you must know him) started. By the time Roarmulus Twins came out, I was already tier 3. Once Blast Network came in, I could breeze through Vanaduke without any problems. I am an esteemed PvP player. Most of the time you could find me at the Auction House in Haven Town Square or playing Blast Network. I was the Guild Master of Dominate for a long time until I merged with Importance.


Burnthemprisons -

Bryantjkd -

Razorbrains -

Stuffknight -


To join Importance, you must fill out and submit your application either in game to "Snarkey" or "Lexxi-Is-Short" or to our forum thread in the guild recruitment folder. Our Thread


1) What is your IGN?

2)When did you start playing Spiral Knights?

3)Which bosses have you successfully defeated?

4)If any, which Shadow Lair bosses have you successfully defeated?

5)How many hours do you play a day? (on average)

6)Are you active in Lockdown or Blast Network?

7)What makes you a unique player on SK?

8)List your best current set of gear

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