Difference between revisions of "Valkyrian Guard (Guild)"

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(Valkyrian Guard (Active Hours 2:00pm - 2:00am PST)
(Valkyrian Guard Registry)
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*Emily-Feng [[file:Attack_speed_icon.png|20px|Requires testing]]
*Emily-Feng [[file:Attack_speed_icon.png|20px|Requires testing]]
*My-Namezz [[file:Attack_speed_icon.png|20px|Requires testing]]
*My-Namezz [[file:Attack_speed_icon.png|20px|Requires testing]]
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*Gewlz [[file:Attack_speed_icon.png|20px|Requires testing]]
*Gewlz [[file:Attack_speed_icon.png|20px|Requires testing]]
*Face-Nemesis (T2)
*Face-Nemesis (T2)

Revision as of 21:02, 21 June 2012

Valkyrian Guard
GuildLogo-Valkyrian Guard.png

The guild shall decide.

Guild Founder: Jinndukken
Approx. Population: 42
Guild Master(s):

Our Glorious Jinn JinnDukken

Guild Officer(s):

Angie! Angelinna

Cow Cowboyt
Ghost-Poo Ghost-Poo
Xace-Xx Xace-Xx
Tiffanie Tiffanie

Valkyrian Guard (Active Hours 2:00pm - 2:00am PST)

The Valkyrian Guard have been drafted for the imminent threat that is slowly emerging from the Core. Our guild is divided into specialized squadrons, each equipped to counter the advancement of hostiles that inhabit the subterranean catacombs of Cradle.

Guild News

Our Steam group is now live under the moniker Codex Regius. Join! JOIN!

Officers are reminded to ensure that all recruits are above the age of sixteen (16).

Current events:
Andrew's Song Challenge ends this Friday! Did we mention there's a prize to be won? We probably should! Check it out!
Guild Registry (20th June 2012):
Testing protocols for use by Officers and GMs.

Code of Conduct

~ Social ~

Everyday guidelines so that nobody ends up in a shallow grave under the shop behind Brinks.

♞ Guard Conduct ♞
Asking For Financial Support:
  • No guild member will ask another for Crystal Energy (CE), Crowns, Materials or Equipment.
  • If you need assistance, please ask in a general manner. Example: "Can someone assist me in making X?". We are happy to provide assistance, though at our own discretion.
  • Do not nag guild members to trade materials, especially after the initial 'NO' response.
Conversations & Banter:

Conversations (Guild Chat): Keep it concise and legible.

  • Please don't use the guild chat for personal One to One communication; use the Tell feature for that.

Banter (Guild Chat): Please keep the banter clean and mature.

  • Keep it concise - stick to the point if communicating with someone in a different location.
  • Keep it clean (this means no toilet humour).
  • Keep it legible (proper sentences, thanks).
  • DO NOT make a personal and malicious attack to cause offense to an individual or the guild. Think about it before you press ENTER.
Respect People's Boundaries:

No harassment of members. No harassment of any players. No gendered creepiness because you think someone looks like they might be a girl or a boy or a wolf or "WE COULD BE TOGETHER FOREVER!!!".

If you have a problem relating to

(1) promotions,
(2) testing,
(3) harassment, or
(4) unjust decisions,

please address the problem directly with an Officer or Guild Master.

♚ Officer Etiquette ♚
Maintaining Rapport:

Officers and above are responsible for setting the example to follow. Be respectful, approachable and objective in your dealings.

  • No Guild Master or Officer will refer to a guild member as a Noob or other demeaning name.
  • Remember to word your warnings in a neutral constructive way, rather than "Stop that now, or I will kick your worthless %@$".

- Combat -

Bellic guidelines so that nobody ends up in a shallow grave under the flagstones of the Royal Jelly Palace.

♜ Battle Orders ♜
Invites and Joining:
  • Joining a party: Please ask for an invite from a member on the deployed party.
  • Starting a party: Please don't invite everyone in the guild to join your party, please ask members if they're interested first.
  • Joining a location: Please ask before barging in on a member if they're in haven etc.

Please don't waste all your energy reviving yourself. It's expected that all guildies revive each other in combat, before the use of energy to revive. We will often set guidelines depending on the Tier and Shadow Lair.


Before you solo, please ensure that there are no guild parties deployed or deploying that are within your Tier. We are a team and we will always support each other.


Please ask at the end or beginning of a mission for heat, we don't want to play 'revive' in the middle of a mission.


Die or leave battle so the team can move forward. You're always welcome to kick the GM JinnDukken if he is idle, since his GF will suddenly force him to do random requests that take his attention away.

Ranks & Role requirements

  • All Tier Two (T2) Players that can complete a guild party deployment to the Jelly King Themed dungeon.
  • Show maturity & good humour in the face of adversity.
  • All Tier Three (T3) Players that have completed a party deployment in a T2 level or higher, with an Officer or GM present.

Requirements: Defeat the gelatinous Jelly King in a party containing a selecting guild Officer or GM.

  • A Tier Two (T2) Player who has experienced Jelly King and Roarmulus Twins successfully as a party leader, with one guild Officer or GM present.
  • A Tier Three (T3) Players that have completed our guild party run through FSC, without the Lord Vanaduke encounter can attain a members
  • Prepared for 'Tier Three (T3)

Requirements: Lead a full Guild Party against both Jelly King and Roarmulus Twins successfully.

  • A Ranked Member or Externally Recruited knight that serves in a selected squad under an officer. You will be selected by an officer and will serve a specialist role in an extremely skilled squad.

Requirements:Pass the selection test of an interested officer.

  • Competent in a FSC run and can handle and engagement with Lord Vanaduke with minimal difficulties.
  • Any additional requirement of the Squad leaders.
  • 4 Star or higher equipment.

Squad Selection: Officers may either elect to train you or place you within their personalized squad. Inactive or less active officers will be resigned to a veteran position to ensure the squads retain strong experienced players.

  • Knights who have shown potential for leadership and initiative in guild endeavors. If you're ready to lead a team of veterans into the Shadow Lair, then rise to meet the challenge.

Requirements: Successfully lead a guild party against Lord Vanaduke.

  • Complete 5 Star equipment (Helm, Armour, Shield, & Weapon).
  • Vanguard Rank in the missions.
  • Prepared to lead a team into the Shadow Lair (so forming a squad is strongly recommended).
  • When our guild population is under a strength of 50 members, the number of officers is limited to 7-8.

Benefits & Responsibilities:

(1) Shadow Lair Cleared Officers can be allocated 3 veterans to form an elite squad. This is optional and requires you to take responsibility for selection and training processes.

(2) Each Officer will have a responsibility within the guild, these include & are not limited to:

  • Recruiting
  • Squad handling
  • Event coordination
  • Steam group manager
  • Wiki Editor

Guild Master
  • To attain a Guild Master (GM) position you will need to have a good understand of Spiral Knights and how to edit various aspects of our guild wiki in a productive manner.

Requirements: You will have to gain the trust of the current Officer(s) & Guild Master(s), in a deciding vote to help the guild grow and stay active.

Valkyrian Guard Registry

NOTE: If your membership requires updating, contact an Officer or GM, or listed Wiki Editor. Please note that edits do not show immediately.


Requires testing Requires testing

Undertaking Advanced Training Advanced Training

Indicates allocated squad Squad allocated

(T2) Tier 2

(T3) Tier 3

On warning On 1st warning

Officer & GM Testing/recruiting Guide

Under Edit
Screening and selecting recruits:

If you see a Knight who holds theirself well in battle or socially, arrange a formal trial run and discuss the recruitment with your fellow officers before sending an invite. Recruits are chosen by their attitudes as well as abilities, so please remember we are building a cohesive guild, not the largest one.


  • Age restriction: 16 years and upwards.
  • Do not accept people that beg or bother you to join the guild.
  • People with names that are actually words and not random letters.
  • PLEASE NOTE: Make sure they can communicate well in English (whether native speakers or otherwise).
Recruit Testing:

Observations: [1] Actively defends and attacks enemies. [2] Revives teams mates. [3] Is willing to read the wiki.

  • Introduction to The Jelly King's Dungeon: (1) Works together as part of a guild effort. (2) Takes up their role in combat with minimal difficulties. (3) Follows instructions and constructive advice.

Members Testing:

Observations: [1] Proficient in both Jelly King & Roarmulus themed dungeons. [2] Is equipped with the appropriate weaponry and armour.

  • Jelly King Dungeon: Coordinates a full guild party containing one testing officer or GM through all 3 floors.
  • Successfully Defeats the final boss.
  • Navigates each encounter with minimal difficulties.
  • Supports team mates and refrains from soloing.
  • Roarmulus Twins Dungeon: Coordinates a full guild party containing one testing officer or GM through all 3 floors.
  • Successfully Defeats the final boss.
  • Navigates each encounter with minimal difficulties.
  • Supports team mates and refrains from soloing.
  • Can successfully use the switches during the boss engagement with minimal difficulties.

Veterans Testing:


  • Stays with team members.
  • Follows instructions from officers and GMs.
  • Understands their role in the team they deploy with.
  • During a FSC run and excluding the boss engagement they must: 1a) pair up and remain paired through a majority of FSC. 2a) Remain alive through a majority of FSC

Note: If the death count exceeds 5 outside special circumstances (e.g. lag, bad luck, off screen action), they fail to meet the veteran requirements.

  • During the Lord Vanaduke encounter they must: 1b) State their role or ask for one prior to starting the battle. 2b) Remain in that role throughout the engagement, unless dictated by the leading officer or GM. 3b) Stay alive and contribute to the team effort, significantly enough to be deemed useful.

Note: Additional measures can be set by a testing officer or GM, depending on the team make up or future requirements of the Squad a tested veteran may be posted too.

Officer Testing:


  • Shows signs of leadership by coordinating roles and plans of attack for a deployed party, that are deemed plausible by the testing officers or Gm.
  • Shows responsibility & initiative by organising guild events to improve the activity of the guild.

Valkyrian Battle Groups

Attack normal icon.png
Roarmulus Riders

♚ Cowboyt


♞ Blackbluue

♞ Angelinna

♞ Andrewgps


♞ PainKiller-pro

Heart icon.png

♚ Tiffanie


♞ Garleona





Attack piercing icon.png
Xace's Squad

♚ Xace-Xx







Lock Down

NOTE: All members who are interested in participating within a guild Lockdown team are encouraged to notify the GM via uplink.

Task Force
  • Unknown
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name
  • Name

Guild Events!

Andrew's Musical Mystery Tour

The GM Theme Song.

This week's "Andrew-Inspired" idea is all about music!


"Choose a song that best fits our Glorious Leader Jinndukken and AndrewGPS! Give a short explanation of why it's so fitting - bonus points for humorous answers.

Prize for this week : Mystery prize that will surprise you!

Note: This event started on Friday 13th of June and ends at midnight game-time on the 20th of june! Message AndrewGPS in-game with your answers, and the glorious jinny and the asian andrew will judge the event.

Have fun!"

Jelly Rolling
Jumping Jellies Batman!
  • More to follow
Firestorm Frenzy
Disco inferno!
  • More to follow
Tour de Core
From Heaven to Hell.
  • More to follow
Flip a Table!
Damn those tables!

Flippin' tables in a rage is a time-honoured tradition of the Spiral Knights community. Jinn, check out my sweet table-flipping skills!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)


"Yeah. You showed them tables. You showed them real good."

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