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(I feel like this is really lame, but I need a break from it. Feel free to poke at it!)
(No difference)

Revision as of 19:55, 30 March 2011

Right click another knight to add as a friend.
Click add friend from the social tab.
Friend request mail message.

To add another knight as a friend, right click the player and choose the "add as friend" option. If the player is offline, click the Icon-social.png social icon and click the Friend Options. This will open a screen to enter a knight's name, and a short message. Both these methods will create a mail message for the other knight to review. Click "Make Friends!" to accept. The knight has the option to reply, and/or delete the message.

Each knight can have a maximum of 250 friends.

Benefits of Friendship

  • You will know when your friend is online and that person's current location.
  • You can limit an adventure party to friends only.
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