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([ Recruitment & Rankup ])
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'''{WARNING}!!! [Breaking these rules will result in a expulsion from the guild]''' '''{WARNING}!!!
'''{WARNING}!!! [Breaking these rules will result in a expulsion from the guild]''' '''{WARNING}!!!
=='''[ Recruitment & Rankup ]'''==  
=='''[ Recruitment & Ranks ]'''==  
'''If you would like to join the guild you should contact one of our officers or GM's for evaluation. ''(Knight-Elite rank and up only as if right now)'' We advise you first familiarize yourself with our history, beliefs, and rules in order to successful apply into the guild. We may ask you some questions before inviting you into the guild.''' ''"If you can't contact us trough SpiralKnights then you can mail Silent-Sniper at: quentin-wos@hotmail.com
'''If you would like to join the guild you should contact one of our officers or GM's for evaluation. ''(Knight-Elite rank and up only as if right now)'' We advise you first familiarize yourself with our history, beliefs, and rules in order to successful apply into the guild. We may ask you some questions before inviting you into the guild.''' ''"If you can't contact us trough SpiralKnights then you can mail Silent-Sniper at: quentin-wos@hotmail.com

Revision as of 01:14, 28 December 2015

[ Welcome to the Guild Wiki of The Anonymous! ]

The Anonymous
GuildLogo-The Anonymous.jpg

"United We stand!"

Guild Founder: Silent-Sniper
Approx. Population: 50+ members
Guild Master(s):
  • Silent-Sniper [OWNER]
Guild Officer(s):
  • TBA [a e s t h e t i c s MANAGER]

Guild Veteran(s):

  • TBA
Website: Sniper's YouTube

"United We Stand!"

[ Guild History ]

The Anonymous was founded by Sibbsan, MyggaN & Mellansnorre, 3 Swedish knights (all 3 related) who had left The Devine Hunters, in 2011 in order to advance their core beliefs. The guild was created to gather a team of powerful knights in order to overcome to most Difficult assignments faced by the Spiral Order. Over the years the guild has done just that. Their core principle of team work is the driving force behind their success. Where others may seek personal glory, The Anonymous believe that no one knight can achieve a greater victory then that of his team. So while a powerful knight my carry the team to victory today, his goal is to help his fellow knight carry it the next.

The original founders then left the guild and gave it to a new knight named Silent-Sniper ,More about this on the section How the Resurrection/Fight started.

[ Guild Rules ]

{WARNING}!!! [Breaking these rules will result in a expulsion from the guild] {WARNING}!!!

  • 1. As a member of the guild you MUST donate your required upkeep fee each week!
  • 2. Upkeep comes FIRST, when it comes to spending in guild hall! at-least 70,000 crowns must be present in the Guild treasury at all times!
  • 3. Be active! After 2 weeks of AFK-ness you will be removed fromt the Guild!
  • 4. No offensive language against anyone, guild member or not.
  • 5. Keep your jokes in good taste. We don’t believe in demeaning others for a cheap laugh. (That means, No toxic behavior.)
  • 6. Request for off-time or prolonged absence needs to be checked with a guild master or officer.
  • 7. Team work is a must! work with your party to achieve victory.
  • 8. Help guild members in need; it’s your duty as a guild member. (This does not include begging.)
  • 9. Guild Storage is "Give & Take" However you can only take 1 item every 12 Hours.
  • 10. GM's and officers can help mediate trades; but in the end all issues arising from trades fall back on the participants.
  • 11. Before publishing the changes in guild hall and buying furniture it needs to be confirmed by a Guild Master BEFORE it is applied.
  • 12. Beggars are NOT tolerated. This includes rank, crowns, crystals, and equipment.
  • 13. Anyone is NOT to abuse their power.
  • 14. Guild-hopping is NOT tollerated.
  • 15. The Guildmasters words are ALWAYS final.

{WARNING}!!! [Breaking these rules will result in a expulsion from the guild] {WARNING}!!!

[ Recruitment & Ranks ]

If you would like to join the guild you should contact one of our officers or GM's for evaluation. (Knight-Elite rank and up only as if right now) We advise you first familiarize yourself with our history, beliefs, and rules in order to successful apply into the guild. We may ask you some questions before inviting you into the guild. "If you can't contact us trough SpiralKnights then you can mail Silent-Sniper at: quentin-wos@hotmail.com Or contact him on steam at: http://steamcommunity.com/id/1sinox1"

  • Recruit
This rank is used only to screen new members before we make them part of our Community
0.5K+ crowns weekly upkeep to the guild is required.
Can be kicked from the guild for misconduct or inactivity by any GM or Officer.
  • Member
This rank is reserved for all our T1,T2 & T3 members who made the choice to become members of the guild.
1k+ crowns weekly upkeep to the guild is required.
Can be kicked from the guild for misconduct or prolonged inactivity by any GM or Officer.


You have to read this entire Wiki page and donate your first 1500 Crowns to the treasury.
  • Veteran
This rank is reserved for our T3 members who have the rank of Vanguard and have shown excellent skill by passing our Veteran Test.
2k+ crowns weekly upkeep to the guild is required.
Can be kicked from guild for misconduct or extreme inactivity by a GM or 2 Officers.


To pass for the veteran rank you need to have donated atleast 10,000 crowns (in the last week) and beat FireStorm-Citadel
with it's boss on ELITE with 1 spectator and 8 Revives. (Emergency Revives included)
  • Officer
The officers are veterans hand-picked by the GM's. Requests for the position are NOT accepted.
3.5k+ crowns upkeep to the guild is required weekly.
Can be kicked from guild for misconduct or extreme inactivity by a GM only.
  • Guild Master
Guild Masters are the founding members and the core of our guild.
6k+ crowns upkeep to the guild is required weekly.
Guild Master rank is reserved for our founders or officers who have dedicated themselves to the guild over the years.
Are the primary investors to the guild (over 75-125 million crowns to date)

[ About the ranks ]

Every member of the guild belongs to one of five ranks. The founder of a guild begins at Guild Master rank. Every other newly joined member begins as a Recruit. You earn your way up one rank at a time. Within each rank there is a notion of seniority. For example, if Knight A became Officer before Knight B became Officer, then Knight A has seniority over Knight B.

  • Recruits
may use the membership list, guild chat, guild hall, and guild treasury.
[This rank is kept till after the approval of membership]
  • Members
have the same privileges as Recruits. and Also have access to all our hall's service rooms.
[The members job (and anyone else's) is to be helpful of other members and assist where its needed.]
  • Veterans
have the same privileges as Members, and may enter Design Mode & the Veteran Lounge. (Vanguards can test into this rank)
[Veterans are allowed to make suggestions for Guild-hall changes]
  • Officers
have all of the privileges of Veterans, and may also invite other players into the guild. They are allowed to promote or Demote knights up to Veteran Rank. They can also enter Design Mode and publish changes after approval of a Guild Master. Also they can use officer chat and enter the officer's lounge.
[Officers manage the Recruits/members/veterans and make sure everyone pays their upkeep]
  • Guild Masters
have the same privileges as Officers, except that Guild Masters may promote & demote knights all the way to Guild Master. Only GM's (or the treasury manager) are allowed to approve use of guild funds!
[Major Guild decisions will only be made with FULL support of all (not owner) Guild Masters Or the Guild-owners approval]

[ How to get Promotion ]

If you are looking for promotion in the guild pay attention to these things:

  • Show and share your knowledge with other players.
  • Accept other members play styles and weapon choices.
  • Donate as required, and give a little extra to help the guild grow.
  • Respect the chain of command, you might not like an officer, but he earned his rank.
  • Develop skill, the guild needs skilled players to help lead parties!
  • Be active and nice to other players, We are a family.
  • Earn respect from the other guild members.
  • Talk to a GM about other things you can do.

[ How the Resurrection/Fight started ]

So it all started with a rascal knight named Silent-Sniper, Of which was valient enough to brave the arcade. Among his loathsome self he was visited by Sibbsan [A Guild Master of the guild The Anonymous] Who had invited the fellow Sniper to join his Guild. At this time Guilds where fairly new, just As Sniper was to the subject. With baited breath Sniper had joined the legendary guild “The Anonymous”. As time passed, members joined, and work to do, Sniper and Sibbsan had become best friends. With them being best friends Sibbsan had promoted Sniper to be a Veteran “Woohoo” Sniper applauded, as he had become his right hand man. But among the new members that had joined also was a new competitor for his right hand man…. The new competitor was know as: LipherStar [A.K.A Li] Li has maintained a reputation for accomplishing feats 10x better. Within this time Sniper had also achieved the rank Officer. And among the “Friendly competition” also started, “The Fight” Among the guild masters are also MyggaN and Mellansnorre they among their rummaging had found a large savings that was within the guild. Not knowing whom it belonged to or what it was for, they had spent some of it. But It just so happened to belong to Sibbsan the original founder of the guild, and in laymen’s terms he was pissed. He was so outstandingly on tilt that he started back-talking and bad mouthing the other guild masters. Out of sorrow, one of the guild masters had repaid what was due twofold. But sibbsan was still traumatized by the loss and continued his nefarious deeds. It was then to the other guild masters dismay that Sibbsan was booted from the guild. That wasn't the end for Sibbsan's edge. He had made a new guild called Supreme Honour Squad, or SHS for short. Sibbsan's influence caused some of the others to turn to his ways. The fellow Sniper followed in his deception, And so it became he that would do the spying on The Anonymous. As was the Sniper's role as a Spy he found the time to strike and did so by robbing the guild he was once loyal to and adding it to SHS. It was also there that he had finally become a guildmaster, but at what cost? Eventually the terror (that was Sibbsan) had abandoned even his own guild. Leaving Sniper to tend to a now dying guild. SHS eventually went default and left Sniper to join a different guild called "The Valkyrie Knights." It was within that guild that Sniper had found peace even with some of the veteran Anonymous members. It was there that everything had begin to clear up for all guilds. However the guilt that poor Sniper had to endure led him to wanting to restore the damage that he has done and thus Sniper decided to hear the other side of the story from MyggaN and Sniper was on the right path again. He returned to The Anonymous filled with apologies. Myggan and Mellansnorre accepted his apologies and became great friends and thus Sniper had once again worked his way up to be a guild master, resurrecting The Anonymous.

[ Current Guild Events! ]


We are making two Roarmulus Twin statues for the guild hall, try to donate crowns and materials that are needed in crafting, we will try to complete this by 7/1/15.

Also: For every 1-Schemer Scrap that you donate you get 1000 crowns in return by a Guild master or officer :)
  • For the 28 Roarmulus blueprints: Price 1250K
Blue Shard x 7925/2800
Red Shard x 1820/2800
Bronze Bolt x 490/1400
Scrap Metal x 1499/1400
Schemer Scrap x 1/112
  • For the 7 Small Replica Roarmulus twins: Price 525K
Gremlin Gizmo x 371/350
Iron Gear x 542/350
Force Dynamo x 179/175
Rocket sprocket x 268/175
Roarmulus blueprints x 0/28
  • For the 2 Large Roarmulus twins: Price 200K
Heavy Gear x 72/100
Meteor Mote x 50/100
Plasma Cell x 22/50
Volcanic Iron x 25/50
Small Replica Rourmulus Twin x 1/8

Total price 1975K = (1.975 million)


An Ice Queen Shadow Lair is coming up soon where our Guild-Masters are going to gear up for a shadow lair that will likely take place in MID July.

[ Completed Guild Events!]

[ Guild Screenshots ]

Work in progress

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