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The Black Waltz
GuildLogo-The Black Waltz.png

Do or Die!

Guild Founder: Vertical
Approx. Population: 7
Guild Master(s):
  • Vertical
Guild Officer(s):
  • Longitude
  • Circularlogic
  • Amyjay


The Black Waltz was founded when it's idiot leader Vertical realized he meant the Black Waltzes (From FFIX) and not The Black Waltz (Name of an album by a Finnish black metal band). But since it's creation it's grown larger than it's founder expected and now he has some half-cocked dream of conquring all the Havens.

The Black Waltz Charter (Carve it into your heart)

1. All fun and games, no malice. (have fun, don’t be an ass.)

2. Dirty talk, profanity, etc. is unrestricted. (Kids are very sexually active these days. So they probably know more than we do.)

3. Promote on merit, no patronage. (Just ‘cause they yo dawg don’t mean they can lead.)

4. Try to have an open schedule and be as helpful as possible to fellow guild mates. (I don’t mean drop what you’re doing, but the government exists to serve the people, and I’d like us, the upper echelon, to do the same.)

5. Guild Master (me, Vert the Bad-Ass) must approve and may veto recommendation.

6. The Guild Master’s Veto may be overturned by vote of three (3) or more officers, however, the vote must be held in the presence of the Guild Master and as many officers as possible.

7. Officers may vote to carry or veto motions.

8. Guild Master retains tie-breaking vote.

9. Guild Master’s vote carries the power of two.

10. In the event of the Guild Master’s vote making a tie, the motion shall be in favor of the Guild Master.

11. Events are, as of yet random and unstructured, ideas are more than welcome. And officers may begin any event they wish (I ask only that I be informed of the particulars and try to give some heads up.)

Officer Conditions

a. Must be above recruit rank.

b. Must be recommended by two (2) or more current officers.

c. Must past officer test.

d. Must have fifth tier (5-star) gear

Officer Test (Welcome to the top, it’s lonely but please don’t drop pennies that shit can kill from up here.)

1.Upon recommendation, the Guild master shall inform individual via e-mail, guild chat, or face-to-face.

2.The candidate must answer one question of the guild master’s choosing. The question shall be sent via e-mail.

3.Hints are to be given at the Guild Master’s discretion.

4.The honor system is in effect. It is asked that all candidates do not cheat (look for answers on the internet, ask for help from others that have passed the test, or give information to others)

5.The question will be changed each time, and will, in most cases, have something to do with the guild.

6.Once recommended, candidate status is applied and may only be revoked by the Guild Master. candidate status is not lost by failing the officer test.

7.The question asked is valid until answered, or candidate status is revoked.

8.Candidates may submit only one (1) answer and they may do so once a day. (I’ll keep track… maybe, so think hard.)

9.Once the test is passed the candidate will be made an officer and receive the guild charter, along with the congratulations of everyone.

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